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Recent content by JackMann

  1. J

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    I just got caught up on the thread after a month of convalescence. In regards to the Tenkar case, are we sure LaNasa's lawyer actually wants to win?
  2. J

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    Nor does the US anymore. They were ruled to violate the First Amendment. The only time you can actually get in trouble for stolen valor is if you use your supposed military service to convince someone to give you something, or that you qualify for some position or other. And then it's really...
  3. J

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    If they actually screwed up, they'll have been told. More frequently, they just aren't stellar at their job. Not bad enough to discipline, but not good enough to be worth holding onto. To be clear, commander's driver (and similar special duties) isn't something you give to someone who's...
  4. J

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    Don't be ridiculous. They don't get a cut from someone else's GoFundMe.
  5. J

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    Last I checked, Wonderfilled had posted about Ernie being in the hospital, and asked people to send their prayers his way. Dungeon Hobby Shop retweeted them. Honestly, what I saw there wasn't really objectionable. Just the sort of thing you'd expect someone to post about a friend or colleague's...
  6. J

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    Specifically, Orwell wrote Animal Farm as a critique of Soviet-style communism. Orwell was an avowed socialist, and fought alongside the communists and socialists during the Spanish Civil War. He was against capitalism, but even moreso was against any totalitarian style states, regardless of...
  7. J

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    I thought maybe on the site there would be a bit about donating proceeds towards Ernie's medical bills, but nope.
  8. J

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    I think it's really tempting to grab at any crumb of potential comeuppance for LaNassa. I've definitely been guilty of it myself. I think it's because these things take so much time. LaNasa losing his case against WotC, and most of his other tabletop ventures, has been fairly inevitable. But the...
  9. J

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    No, it's named for the Roman jurist Julius Paulus. An action to undo a fraudulent transfer to ensure debts were paid was one of his legal innovations.
  10. J

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    Though also, due to certain reform acts, this doesn't necessarily add up linearly. That is, if he's convicted for ten counts of concealing assets, he almost certainly wouldn't serve fifty years. There's a somewhat complicated formula judges generally follow for sentencing multiple counts.
  11. J

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    The problem with LaNasa setting up a Hanover is that to properly set up a bag man, you need to maintain some distance or plausible deniability between you and the bad naughty word, and he seems constitutionally incapable of keeping his hands out of the cookie jar. I have no doubt that he would, if it...
  12. J

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    So, clearly the bankruptcy hearing went well for him.
  13. J

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    If Elise comes forward with more details, it would be interesting. In the absence of that, I'm going to put more stock in Luke's side of things than Ernie's.
  14. J

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    So, he claims in the bankruptcy proceedings that the IP is worthless, but then says "Who would spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on something that's not worth anything?" I might be misunderstanding, but isn't he outright admitting he's being fraudulent? Or is this a wrinkle in how...
  15. J

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    I don't think it's impossible. I think it's unlikely, but if he decided his ego couldn't stand listening to a judge, he could face some jail time. I think it's more likely he just gets told to stop being an idiot and pay what he owes, but I don't think it's impossible he decides he can out-alpha...