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Recent content by Jared A. Sorensen

  1. Jared A. Sorensen


    It's a half-assed setting for yer D&D game, based in a snowy/icy land *shrug shoulders*. I wish I was more inspired sometimes. Anyway, here it is. Dire men! http://www.memento-mori.com/d20/Tundra.pdf
  2. Jared A. Sorensen

    [Skill] Profession:Torturer

    Missing the point of torture. You guys have some good ideas, but I think the fundementals of this skill are flawed. Distasteful, yes. But if you want to develop it as a skill, check out the facts. Nobody can withstand torture forever. Even Navy SEALS and other special units of the armed forces...
  3. Jared A. Sorensen

    Paladin-Mount Feats

    Fire! Fire! Ooo! I just thought of a cool feat for Paladin mounts. Not sure what to call it, but it's the ability for your mount to jump over and charge through burning stuff...you know, that scene in every adventure movie where the horse jumps over the flames? Hmmm...ideas? (maybe call it...
  4. Jared A. Sorensen

    "Split Class" Rogues

    Re: Re: "Split Class" Rogues He get none. BUT he does get his BAB jumped up to +7/+2 and a much better Fort Save. Ah, I don't think it makes *sense* but it seems like it might be fun to try out. See? This is what happens when you're stuck at home all day. :)
  5. Jared A. Sorensen

    "Split Class" Rogues

    I came up with an idea for alternatives to Rogues or multi-class Rogues. It probably chucks game balance out the window, but here it is: http://memento-mori.com/d20/split.html
  6. Jared A. Sorensen

    Ranger, redux

    Re: Jared Not at all! In fact, originally it was "take any 4 features" -- so you could nix the spellcasting and bonus feat and take two-weapon fighting, nocturnal, familiar terrain (underground) and favored companion (panthers) -- ahem, Drizzt! :) I changed it as I thought that was a BIT too...
  7. Jared A. Sorensen

    Fun with Flintlocks

    Pirates & Pistols Jack, Cool info on gunpowder weapons. Didja know that William Teach (aka: Blackbeard) carried six pistols on his person? Whoa. Anyway, for gunpowder weapons (just to warrant their fearsome rarity), there should be a rule where, if you critical twice, then you roll damage --...
  8. Jared A. Sorensen

    Ranger, redux

    Hey, Thysl. I never test my stuff...I don't really play RPGs nowadays(ick!). I just want for more of a "feel" than for game balance (a ranger who practically lives on the back of his horse should be a devasting mounted fighter, I think). I'm going to put up some ranger combos today, to show...
  9. Jared A. Sorensen

    Ranger, redux

    Last year I published a bunch of alternates to the ranger class in a web 'zine called RPGevolution. Sadly, RPGe is gone, but I decided to re-do the article. Before it was a collection of different styles of ranger, each suited to a non-forest terrain type (the article was called "Get out of the...