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Recent content by jdriele

  1. J

    Wizard like book from a database

    I want to show you a french project : For the french community i work hard to make a database with online forms(mysql, forms with phpmyedit) for making a monster manual and a player handbook. With this database, i make an extraction with php to make an xml document translated in pdf whith...
  2. J

    Coup de grace useless beyond Heroric Tier?

    Why don't you create a monster template named "executioner" or "without mercy". Give to this template : - Intimidation trained - More damages with a CDG and a malus to heal check and save VS death With this solution you create a own rule that's apply only with monster.
  3. J

    Template for monster manual (XML & XSL-FO)

    Works done by Asmor is very good (for english user ^^) My solution is good for creating Monster Manual BOOKS (download again ^^) My solution create a pdf or rtf file so My solution is a good turorial for xsl-fo (a fantastic tool) With my solution you can REUSE your monster with another...
  4. J

    Template for monster manual (XML & XSL-FO)

    Hi everybody I think that XML format is the best one to create D&D documents. So i create a template based on XML and XSL-FO to create a pdf with FOP (Apache FOP) This is the result (in french cause i am working on it for the french communauty) http://d20perso.fr/Manuel_des_monstres.pdf You...
  5. J

    D&D 4E Any body have a 4e style disarm move?

    A proposition by a french gamer : Disarm become a feat that grants an at-will power. This power is managed like a basic attack but versus reflex, if hit roll damage only to check if you put your target under 0 hit point you disarm your target but you do no damage To this power you can get...
  6. J

    D&D 4E Any body have a 4e style disarm move?

    A proposition by a french gamer : Disarm become a feat that grants an at-will power. This power is managed like a basic attack but versus reflex, if hit roll damage only to check if you put your target under 0 hit point you disarm your target but you do no damage To this power you can add...
  7. J

    D&D Future

    I am working on DD4 for Star Wars But in french, without level and classe. http://d20perso.fr/4E%20Moderne%20-%20Progression%20libre.pdf
  8. J

    Class Feature Variant: Virtuoso Cavalier

    I will use it ! seems good.
  9. J

    [Classes] For an homemade universe

    Hi, I am writting some stuff about a universe named : Anodiles. Sea, magic and pirates. Very classical settings with some fun. I am in road to convert and develop my universe for DD4. So, for starting, i am writting classes (but only 3 lvls finished for each classes). Actually only 3 classes ...
  10. J

    Character Sheet Archive

    Here a french contribution feel free to ask the excel file is you want to translate it ;) http://d20perso.fr/Fiche%20dd4%20fr.pdf