• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Jeremo_the_Natterer

  1. Jeremo_the_Natterer

    In Breland's Name: The Xen'Drik Expedition (rekick this mule)

    Very Interested, I'll send a character to you shortly - do you have a start date?
  2. Jeremo_the_Natterer

    No Hero's Welcome (Eberron)

    mhd, I'm wondering if you're still accepting PCs, i am really interested if you are and can have a character to you by tommorrow
  3. Jeremo_the_Natterer

    OCC: Planescape: "Awakening"

    OK, well that was a fast drop in game pace- but I can't avoid it this time- swamped with exams, papers, and work! By this Friday afternoon, I should be finished, though, sorry to keep everyone waiting. :heh:
  4. Jeremo_the_Natterer

    PLANESCAPE: The Awakening

    The Places of interest in sight inside the Great Foundry District which the motley gathering found themselves in included: (PC's Start at 0) 1) "Blades of the Lower Planes" (9 o' clock) 2) "The Friendly Fiend" A shop of magical trinkets (11) 3) "Ragnor's Small-Items Delivery Service" (3) 4) A...
  5. Jeremo_the_Natterer

    PLANESCAPE: The Awakening

    The motley gathering walks between the marble juts into the street ahead- a few moments after the barbazu had gone through in a haste. They leave behind the gathering of guards, investigators, and the unfortunate tiefling. The fog is palpable as they walk the cobbled street of the Lady’s Ward...
  6. Jeremo_the_Natterer

    OCC: Planescape: "Awakening"

    Ok, thank you all for your input, I like these suggestions. Game is back up to speed now - 1 post/day or at a minimum (unless otherwise stated) 1 post/2 days, enjoy!
  7. Jeremo_the_Natterer

    Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour (Updated 29 Jan 2014)

    facepalm?? was that an old character? who is this facepalm you speak of? :lol: :lol: :p :p
  8. Jeremo_the_Natterer

    OCC: Planescape: "Awakening"

    The game's kinda slowed down, any suggestions on how I may speed it up?
  9. Jeremo_the_Natterer

    Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour (Updated 29 Jan 2014)

    Aren, plz make it Aren!
  10. Jeremo_the_Natterer

    PLANESCAPE: The Awakening

    OCC: err...Lot, you are in the Lady's Ward... Sorry if I hadn't made that clearer. In the second post - looking down FROM the Hive into the Lady's Ward
  11. Jeremo_the_Natterer

    PLANESCAPE: The Awakening

    And at that moment, Lokaski whispers to an armed guard (who appears to be a Lieutenant of sorts, as his gray armor contrasts with that of the other guards who wear a deep red. He also doesn’t carry a two-handed double-blade like the others, but rather, a sheathed scimitar hangs loosely from his...
  12. Jeremo_the_Natterer

    OCC: Planescape: "Awakening"

    Hey Everyone, sorry about the slight delay/disappearance - I just finished two midterms, so now i'm back on the map - sorry, i should have told you guys beforehand - and will do so in the future, but worry not- we will be back up to speed shortly.
  13. Jeremo_the_Natterer

    PLANESCAPE: The Awakening

    ...And the suspects still remain. Soon, another regiment of Sodkillers enters the crime scene, and talk of removing the body is overheard. The Dusties will not be happy to hear that one of their leaders was given an unnatural, "False" death. Happiness never was one of their strong points...
  14. Jeremo_the_Natterer

    PLANESCAPE: The Awakening

    Yes, the guard replies as he turns to the Genasi, exactly the same way - no apparent physical nor magical marks. The investigators are mages, but also have some degree of psionic ability. They are trying to establish a psionic link with the soul of this Dustman.
  15. Jeremo_the_Natterer

    PLANESCAPE: The Awakening

    Gran'shra Notes that the Aasimaar is wearing a breastplate armor made of some fluidic, flexible metal. Each has two swords sheathed on either side of him. The robes that are beneath their armor flow down to their dark leather boots. Their clothing appears to be of fine quality. They appear to be...