• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Jimmie

  1. J

    DM Screen (homemade)

    Thanks :) As I said there is still some work to be done and I will post the final version in the future. I have some plans for the "cover" or outside parts if you wish. A secret for later ;)
  2. J

    DM Screen (homemade)

    I guess you are right, so, no more thinking about that then. Anyway, as I said, this was really just meant for my own DMing so no big deal. I'm just happy I can have some help to get good tips about it :)
  3. J

    DM Screen (homemade)

    Awesome, will look into this :)
  4. J

    DM Screen (homemade)

    Oo right, heard of that place, could just not connect the name to it. Well, I guess that could be fun. Selling I think is out of question since a lot of the images I used are copyrighted, but for free can't put me in trouble I think. There was no such plan, but if you guys says it might do good...
  5. J

    DM Screen (homemade)

    Please do, I need all tips possible. And as I'm new here, is this "DMsGuild" an other section of this forum?
  6. J

    DM Screen (homemade)

    Why, thank you :) Happy to hear. Still have info I would like to fit though, I have to see what info is the most important, why I also asked if something is unnecessary so my decision might be easier.. Anyway, glad you liked it. Will post the final one when ready.
  7. J

    DM Screen (homemade)

    Hi there! New here, new as a DM, and heck, new to DnD all in all. So, have been DMing with a few friends for a few mounths now and we are all newbs. We all have a blast, but there has been a lot of reading and searching in the books, so, I decided to look in to this thing with a DM screen. I...