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Recent content by John Brebeuf

  1. J

    D&D 5E Fun & Engaging House Rules

    I really like this. It also takes the subjectivity out of awarding inspiration, and the feeling that, "Well, I awarded players X and Y inspiration, so I have to give it to Z too."
  2. J

    D&D 5E A Grappling Cleric?

    That's assuming point-buy. I can easily imagine a situation where the player who wants to play a fighter has moderately bad luck in his rolls and ends up with all 9's, 10s' and 11's, while the one playing a wizard has the good fortune to have a 14 Strength along with his 17 Intelligence. Yes...
  3. J

    D&D 5E A Grappling Cleric?

    One thing I don't like about the Dungeon Grappling system is the way control points are calculated for 5e: Strength score + Dexterity modifier + [2 x proficiency bonus] Since all classes increase in proficiency at exactly the same rate, this implies that no classes are inherently better at...
  4. J

    Xanathars guide

    You're misquoting me, which I'm beginning to suspect may be on purpose. I never said "He should be familiar with the entire PHB," I said he should be familiar with those parts of the PHB that are involved in the campaign he's running (have you already forgotten my example of the campaign...
  5. J

    Xanathars guide

    Only nothing follows from alternative (2) that serves your purposes. Of course reading those parts of the PHB that he hasn't already read would require more time and effort, but the PHB is part of the core rules of D&D and a DM would be rightly expected to put that effort in, unless he...
  6. J

    Xanathars guide

    An egregious straw man. I never said the DM has to have mastery over every class, I said (by implication) that he has to have mastery over every class that's involved in his campaign. If the group he's DMing consists of a fighter, a cleric, and a monk, then the DM has to know how the fighter...
  7. J

    Xanathars guide

    And why are you continuing to pretend that mentioning "stress" in one post somehow changes the meaning of "increased cognitive load" in a subsequent post? The latter means nothing more than "more cognitive load than there was previously," and implies NOTHING about its intensity. Thus, my...
  8. J

    D&D 5E Stalker0's Xanathar Spell Ratings

    Actually, there's a 0% chance unless the spell caster WANTS to hit another player.
  9. J

    Xanathars guide

    "Complete lack of any mention of burnout" "The DM doesn’t need to have the same “mastery” of PC classes as the players. That’s silly." Yes, he does. The idea that the DM should be beholden to his players for knowledge of how the game works is what's silly.
  10. J

    Xanathars guide

    I did read the entire post, and you didn't talk about strain at all except your own experience of "burnout," which is irrelevant to the post you were responding to with your question and the question itself. As to what's an "appreciable difference," a DM is called "Master" for a reason: he has...
  11. J

    Xanathars guide

    "How does it increase the cognitive load?" That was your question. Do you see how you didn't ask about "strain" but instead about how it would "increase the cognitive load"? Everything you just said involves an "increase in the cognitive load," however slight you imagine it.
  12. J

    D&D 5E A copper for your thoughts?

    Did anyone else pick up on the joke in the material component for Detect Thoughts?
  13. J

    Xanathars guide

    Presumably the DM is a human being, and human beings have to read books in order to process the information they contain. We can't simply download them into our brains without any cognitive effort.
  14. J

    Xanathars guide

    It's offensive because it's a guilt trip. No one made him buy the book. He's using the fact that he did as leverage to force the DM's hand.
  15. J

    Xanathars guide

    It could also be that the DM has limited time and doesn't feel like having to spend it on reading yet another D&D book, even a complimentary copy.