• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by JonArkanix

  1. J

    D&D General Companies Cut Ties With Judges Guild After Owner's Racist Posts

    Yeah, not a thing at all https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/cancel-culture-words-were-watching
  2. J

    Geekdom Takes a Bow

    The MCU didn't end with Avengers: Endgame, a large part of the storylines ended, but certainly the MCU didn't end as can be seen by the slate of movies coming in Phase 4.
  3. J

    A Life Jacket For PATHFINDER ONLINE?

    Whatever happened to the rumored Pathfinder CRPG using the Pillars of Eternity engine?
  4. J

    Sword Coast Legends To Introduce RAGE OF DEMONS and Tile Based Editor

    I think most people forget that Neverwinter Nights out of the box required quite a few updates to kill crashing bugs, errors with the ruleset, updates to the eventual publicly available editor, etc. I'm talking 20+ updates over years, not two or three like the typical game release.
  5. J

    Beetles, Centipedes, and Chickens: PATHFINDER Minis

    As already pointed out, "terror bird" isn't a "fake name" but the common term for these group of birds http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phorusrhacidae http://news.sciencemag.org/paleontology/2015/04/new-species-terror-bird-discovered http://www.livescience.com/50443-terror-bird-new-species.html
  6. J

    D&D Next Playtest Package Questions Answered! (Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford)

    I always wonder where people get these myths from. TSR never sold the rights to Microsoft for development or publishing of games based on the D&D properties. The vast majority of D&D games were published by SSI, Interplay, and Atari over the years. Read and learn -> 1982-2011 DnD licenced games
  7. J

    Cloth Maps

    If you don't mind the materials used, you could try printing your maps at Artscow on pillow cases, towels, blankets, etc. They even offer printing on shower curtains. The pillow cases are 30"x20" (standard bed pillow size) and the price is $12/one sided or $18/two sided.
  8. J

    Baldur's Gate Countdown Ends... Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition for Summer 2012

    I quoted Trent Oster directly from his twitter feed in my last post, he clearly states there is a PC release planned and iPad is merely a newly added platform. https://twitter.com/#!/TrentOster
  9. J

    Baldur's Gate Countdown Ends... Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition for Summer 2012

    Read again, they're adding iPad as a platform for the BGEE releases.
  10. J

    Baldur's Gate Countdown Ends... Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition for Summer 2012

    Strangely, even older games are still recognized enough to raise funds for a sequel. Wasteland 2 by inXile entertainment — Kickstarter What you're saying about BG label is clearly flawed. I guess we'll see how things go in a few months.
  11. J

    Baldur's Gate Countdown Ends... Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition for Summer 2012

    Yes, that is why a simple "baldursgate website" search on Google returned countless links with predictions about the countdown timer. Your comment sounds like one of publisher kids from the Brian Fargo/Inxile Kickstarter video. ;)
  12. J

    Baldur's Gate Countdown Ends... Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition for Summer 2012

    Baldur's Gate includes Tales of the Sword Coast and Baldur's Gate 2 includes Throne of Bhaal ... straight off Trent Oster twitter feed.
  13. J

    Baldur's Gate Countdown Ends... Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition for Summer 2012

    Well, there should be a PC release ... they did release their MDK2HD for PC after all.
  14. J

    Baldur's Gate Countdown Ends... Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition for Summer 2012

    http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=3b6c0e6ef0c1deb880f420476&id=6ae2f577cd w00t!