Recent content by Joshua Randall

  1. Joshua Randall

    Let us have a reckoning - pre-modern casual English

    I always knew you were a man of action, Whizbang. Or should I say… Daniel Day Lewis!
  2. Joshua Randall

    Aeon (updated 10/9/14)

    Paging Horatio!
  3. Joshua Randall

    Aeon (updated 10/9/14)

    I wonder what percentage of this thread is content vs bumps? 😂
  4. Joshua Randall

    Dragon Magazine Cover Remakes

    Wow, that's a great one to scroll down slowly. First you see the barbarian then you see the dragon's eyes. Awesome.
  5. Joshua Randall – academic research on hobby gaming community

    Why is the survey so broad then? You have a facile response for every problem we point out. That is not how you learn to do better.
  6. Joshua Randall

    D&D 4E 4e-like game (title TBD)

    That stinks and I'm sorry it happened. A long time ago I read somewhere, in relation to software design & development, that if you had a good handle on what you were doing you could re-create it from scratch after a drive failure. That always seemed reductive and insulting to me -- like all the...
  7. Joshua Randall

    D&D General D&D AI Fail

    Sorry it was an obscure crowdfunding campaign and they ran out of baby dragons during fulfillment.
  8. Joshua Randall

    D&D General D&D AI Fail

    I’m running an all dwarves game every Monday and it’s AWESOME. They’re each getting baby dragons next week. 😛
  9. Joshua Randall

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    We need a drink that started a new trends in drinks, and then some idiot got ahold of the idea/name and made it horrible and also incompetent.
  10. Joshua Randall

    By sheer volume, who created the most D&D Art?

    If we count every instance of a Holloway spot art (generally a small part of the page) should we not also count every panel of a D&D comic (also a small part of the page)?
  11. Joshua Randall

    By sheer volume, who created the most D&D Art?

    Do we count whomever designed the sculpt for the 4e bugbear? Because AFAICT there are millions of those.
  12. Joshua Randall

    D&D 2E A bunch of 2e PDFs seem to have bumped up in price

    The demand curve is not a straight line. It has a flat part. You can raise price there without consumers caring. This has nothing to do with OGL. It apples to normal businesses too.