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Recent content by josie_m70

  1. josie_m70

    D&D Movies Which Should Never Be Made

    Any Given Sunder House of Sand and Solid Fog Anti-Magic Field of Dreams J.
  2. josie_m70

    [Attn: Writers who wanna write for Eberron] Plot workshopping?

    I like your story idea, but I have a question. Now, I haven't got the campaign setting in front of me at the moment, but I seem to recall something about half-orcs not manifesting the dragonmark. Maybe I am thinking of something else, who knows? I'm not even sure the half-orc needs to be...
  3. josie_m70

    So what's YOUR world's 'hook'?

    This is exactly the discussion my fellow gamers and I had a couple of weeks ago. The world we play in is at least partially controlled by a LG sect of the state church. These are not nice guys. Very Inquisition-like. But they believe they are doing the work of the church and protecting the...
  4. josie_m70

    Self-discovery through roleplaying??

    Not Agent Mulder, but it is from an X Files episode. Jose Chung's From Outerspace, I think. I don't recall the character name. Very funny ep, though. J.