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Recent content by katakraos

  1. K

    What Angers Me Most About 4th Edition

    and you will need a special broomstick to weep the dust, and the only dealers of it are WOTC :D
  2. K

    Will this thread kill the previous thread and take its stuff?

    CR is broken, and killed the gish and stole his sacred cow away fron the laundry, IMO a very interesting story that... sorry, I was a kender gish in another life :P
  3. K

    D&D 4E We likes our dwarven women kinda furry! (aka 4e beards)

    My girlfriend, for example, alwais want to play with a bearded dwarf lady... ...maybe it's time I allow it
  4. K

    Homebrews - Who's starting over?

    I see no problem in converting mine to 4th ed. The truth is that I have not much mechanichs attached to the setting, and the racial changes doesn't affect me so much, I have changes done already in them, so I can do it again. For me, the rules are only tools that can help you to represent the...
  5. K

    D&D 4E Killing Time Before 4e Comes Out

    We will continue playing with the 3.5 rules until our ongoing campaings conclude. Then, we will see...