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Recent content by Kelvin L. Melton

  1. K

    Help wanted: Spellcaster Tactics (my players -- out!)

    One spell idea that i used was force cage on myself then i would fire out of it. add a windwall and take the casters out as fast as possible.
  2. K

    It's Home

    The mirror moves slightly to the top and left. The single point of light is moved to avoid blinding it more then it is already. That ......man no that's not what he was called......adventurer that's it with his .....arrows he nearly blinded it. These words are so unnatural, my original language...
  3. K

    Piratecat's up-to-date story hour (updated on 8/10, come game with PCat at GenCon!)

    hey Pcat please dont skip the mindflayer battle please.
  4. K

    Piratecat's Updated Story Hour! (update 4/03 and 4/06)

    Hey PC long time reader your story hour is great. I have one question how can i start a thread if i wanted do a set of cities for monsters. Thank for any help and forgive the spelling.
  5. K

    Piratecat's Updated Story Hour! (update 4/03 and 4/06)

    Hi Piratecat this story is great. This is my first post on this board and just had to say how great this story is.
  6. K

    The Official Welcome Thread

    Hi everybody I would like to start a thread on underdark city but I dont know how if someone could tell me i would be happy thanks for the help.