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Recent content by KEV777

  1. K

    D&D General Baldur's Gate 3 will now be releasing August 3rd on PC and September 6th on PS5, increased level cap, race & class details and more

    I was reading the discussion forums on steam and people are really upset and confused about the lack of racial modifiers and gender selection not updating the body type.
  2. K

    D&D General DMs Guild and DriveThruRPG ban AI written works, requires labels for AI generated art

    It's just a prompt engineering problem at this point.
  3. K

    Sarah Silverman leads class-action lawsuit against ChatGPT creator

    If the hobbit was renamed to Halfling it's likely not going to be an issue. AI can do that though. This is simply a prompt engineering problem.
  4. K

    Sarah Silverman leads class-action lawsuit against ChatGPT creator

    Print out a bunch of songs and then randomly cut and paste all the bars together in a Frankenstein work of art. AI just automates that process. Perfectly legal. AI is just a tool. The learning / sampling method is irrelevant.
  5. K

    Sarah Silverman leads class-action lawsuit against ChatGPT creator

    Is it legal for a musician to memorize music and play it? What if he then crafts something influenced by it? Are you going to sue him for committing all those notes to memory (copying it to his brain?) Lets not discriminate against silicon based memory.
  6. K

    Sarah Silverman leads class-action lawsuit against ChatGPT creator

    oh you mean during the days when songs were still actually songs albeit still formulaic? Many of the top 10 songs now are just groves and don't even technically qualify as songs (no chorus, no bridge, etc). With the state of music today AI may actually start to improve things. Watch this...
  7. K

    Sarah Silverman leads class-action lawsuit against ChatGPT creator

    A niche market is always going to be there. Most people don't even realize that most published novels, stories, music, movies, etc are all very formulaic in nature - and that's without AI. AI works of art can look very different and unique if you want it to. That's called prompt...
  8. K

    Sarah Silverman leads class-action lawsuit against ChatGPT creator

    AI is just a tool. Musicians for example learn how to compose and write music from other published works. That in no way invalidates their work. We often say that they are influenced by them and we even enjoy that aspect of their music. In addition, I could for example create a...
  9. K

    Sarah Silverman leads class-action lawsuit against ChatGPT creator

    oh yes, if you want a human crafted item you can get one from the small number of folks who still do that. Of course, this woman represents and entire industry with mass market appeal. So the comparison is still accurate for her case.
  10. K

    Sarah Silverman leads class-action lawsuit against ChatGPT creator

    During the industrial revolution skilled artisans and craftsmen who were previously engaged in producing goods by hand found it difficult to compete with the mass production capabilities of machines. Many of them lost their livelihoods as factories emerged.
  11. K

    D&D General Baldur's Gate 3 will now be releasing August 3rd on PC and September 6th on PS5, increased level cap, race & class details and more

    That's a good idea. Talking to animals is always something I completely forget about in these kinds of games.
  12. K

    Sarah Silverman leads class-action lawsuit against ChatGPT creator

    Things like industrial revolutions happen and are inevitable.
  13. K

    Sarah Silverman leads class-action lawsuit against ChatGPT creator

    Luddite leads class action lawsuit against automated looms and knitting frame manufactures...
  14. K

    D&D General DMs Guild and DriveThruRPG ban AI written works, requires labels for AI generated art

    yes, I didn't realize that it was joke. Of course, this tech does exist New AI classifier for indicating AI-written text