• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by khersheyjr

  1. K

    Winterheart by Esper

    Sounds like an interesting adventure Esper.
  2. K

    Fantasy Grounds

    5 out of 5 rating for Fantasy Grounds Fantasy Grounds is my favorite VTT so far. I've tried a bunch of different ones but always seem to come back to fantasy grounds. It has tons of neat useful features such as the cool 3d dice roller and combat tracker. The community has also been very...
  3. K

    FG Con 5

    Fg Con coming soon. Over 40+ games for the weekend of Oct. 17th - 19th. Stop on by and try out some games using the Fantasy Grounds Virtual table top, or host a game of your own :) http://www.fg-con.com/
  4. K

    Online D&D 4e Fantasy grounds/GSC voice LFP

    We are currently seeking a few more players for a new campaign that we are starting on Thursday around 3pm MST. I hold an ultimate license fantasy grounds so no purchase of the software is necessary. We use GSC for voice clarification while playing. Please email me if you have any questions...