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Recent content by Kieran

  1. K

    Miniature Handbook release date

    It would take wizards back to the days of 2nd edition when they were almost automatically dead if someone managed to get next to him. That was the whole point of casting defensively. The DC for casting defensively should be made to scale, IMO, so high level casters don't automatically pass...
  2. K

    Miniature Handbook release date

    Yeah, but it's hosing arcane casters, so it's alright with WOTC.
  3. K

    More lay-offs at WOTC! [Merged]

    True enough, Anthony. I've seen you around the boards enough to see that you love the game as well. Nothing personal was being directed toward you. I do get the feeling ,however, that many decisions have been made since Hasbro took over that boost short term profits at the expense of the long...
  4. K

    More lay-offs at WOTC! [Merged]

    Yeah, but this is a D&D fan board. It's not very comforting to know that the WOTC corporate entity will go on with or without the game we love. Once all of the people that made it great are gone, what is WOTC but a company full of beancounters, anyway.
  5. K

    SKR's problem with certain high level encounters

    As a player, I would have a serious problem if I got as much XP for killing the Tarrasque as I did for mowing down goblins in the last session. An extreme comparison to be sure, but one that illustrates my point. Rewards should be commensurate with challenges.
  6. K

    Epic Level Spells: Better or Worse than 9th level spells?

    True enough. That would bring it up to about a +75 or more, depending on what magical items you have. My only gripe is that you're basically required to be a munchkin and make the +30 item to cast epic spells. Otherwise wait until you're so high lvl that there's almost no point in playing...
  7. K

    Epic Level Spells: Better or Worse than 9th level spells?

    Hmm, a 24th lvl character with 2 Epic feats (Epic Skill Focus and Epic Spellcasting) could have: +27 skill ranks +2 Skill Focus:Spellcraft +10 Epic Skill Focus +30 Magic Item --------------------- +69 to Spellcraft which makes spells with DCs in the 70's and 80's reasonable to cast. Not too...
  8. K

    [OT] SciFi/Fantasy reading material suggestions?

    What about David Weber? His Honor Harrington series is one of my all time favorites.
  9. K

    Magic of Faerûn

    I found Magic of Faerun to be a solid 3E supplement in all respects. The prestige classes were well done and included popular choices like War Wizard of Cormyr and Guild Mage of Waterdeep. The spells, while powerful, are on a par with the FR setting as a whole and add some much needed variety to...