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Recent content by King-Panda

  1. K

    Questions about bonuses to saves and Concentration checks

    We have a Paladin in our group who was considering taking a level in Oracle for their Lore Keeper revelation from the Lore Mystery. Does the bonus from Divine Grace (Cha bonus to saves) stack with the Cha bonus to Reflex saves granted from Lore Keeper? We were under the impression that ability...
  2. K

    Skills for monsters confusing me!

    Thanks for the answers everyone. I just wanted to double check that there wasn't something big I was missing.
  3. K

    Skills for monsters confusing me!

    Thanks for the quick response. The breakdown for the Purple Worm makes sense now, but I'm still confused about the Pegasus. Throwing a -2 into the mix doesn't resolve their skill check balance. I'd hate to get into a big about breaking down all these different skill bonuses post after post, so...
  4. K

    Skills for monsters confusing me!

    (I get the feeling this issue has been addressed before, but without the ability to search the forums I'm attempting a possible re-post. My apologies if this has been answered already.) I sat down to make some creatures today for a campaign my friend is working on. Admittedly, I haven't tried...
  5. K

    Setting: X-Files meets A-Team. System: ?

    Awesome, didn't expect so many responses. Many thanks everyone! And El Mahdi, I'm afraid whatever that means went right over my head.
  6. K

    Setting: X-Files meets A-Team. System: ?

    Thanks for the input! I've noticed Savage Worlds mentioned here quite frequently, but I will definitely look into all that you mentioned.
  7. K

    Setting: X-Files meets A-Team. System: ?

    My group just wrapped up our first Pathfinder campaign, a low-level journey to the Mwangi Expanse. We've been discussing the setting for our next adventure, and have decided on trying something quite the opposite of our normal fantasy games. With influences from the X-Files, the A-Team...
  8. K

    Stout and Versatile Weapons

    Thanks for the info! One of my players brought the question up, and neither of us noticed that both Stout weapons are double weapons.
  9. K

    Stout and Versatile Weapons

    Stout (From DS): A weapon that can be treated as a two-handed weapon. Versatile: A one-handed weapon that can be used two-handed, dealing an extra point of damage if used two-handed. So... what is the point of Stout? Sure, small creatures could legally use stout weapons, but they could wield...
  10. K

    War Wizardry/Coordinated Explosion?

    Thanks for the info!
  11. K

    War Wizardry/Coordinated Explosion?

    Am I correct in thinking that a character with these two feats would have a net modifier of -4 for hitting an ally with a burst/blast power (barring any other modifiers at the time)? Also, War Wizardry states your arcane spells "deal only have their normal damage to allies". Does this apply to...
  12. K

    D&D 4E 4E Eschew Material Components?

    Thanks for the info everyone, I appreciate the effort.
  13. K

    D&D 4E 4E Eschew Material Components?

    I'm making a 14th level ritual-heavy wizard, and I was wondering if there was an equivalent in 4E to 3.X's feat, "Eschew Materials". Market price isn't a big issue for me, but the cost of higher level rituals really starts to add up. IIRC, Eschew Materials only omitted components of 1 GP or...
  14. K

    Even MORE polearm questions, yay!

    Good catch Thundershield, I'm pretty sure we can announce these combos fully trounced. :) And Mort, I had an inkling that might have been the case, but was too lazy to check to see if this was errata'd. I guess I should probably start reading those things, eh?
  15. K

    Even MORE polearm questions, yay!

    Thanks for the quick responses, you pretty much confirmed what I already thought. The main reason I asked these questions anyway is because of the recent custserv listed in Mistwell's recent post. At first I thought it meant if a power says "enters" instead of "moves", all affects would apply...