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Recent content by langolas

  1. L

    D&D 4E Review of 4E from a Playtester

    For what it's worth I'm looking forward to 4th Ed. I loved the change from 2nd to 3rd, but 3rd soon got unweildy. I hated the fact that you pretty much had to plan your entire "career" path out at 1st level. Which feats to take,skills, etc. I'm more liking than disliking the different things...
  2. L

    Charging in to your death

    A group of low level characters (4-6) accidentally awakened long dormant vampire. The vamp fled, but over the course of several adventures harassed us, sending minions out, etc. It had tried to seduce an NPC and we pounced on it. My half-orc barberian went into a rage and hacked it...
  3. L

    Frostburn: To buy or not to buy?

    It's coming out just in time for us to be leaving the arctic wastelands of the North and heading back to civillization ;) I am not too impressed from reading the description. It's just a sourcebook if you plan to run campains in the cold north. Great if you are, just another $30 into WotC...
  4. L

    What's your favorite Shadowrun edition?

    FASA had the knack for making WONDERFUL game worlds, rich, vibrant, realistic, places you would love to play, and then come up with these off the wall rule sets. It took me months to figure out the mechanics for Shadowrun. Every FASA game I have played I have had to have an expierenced player...
  5. L

    Players Playing Themselves?

    My problem with this is that people woudnt play themselves. They would get killed by the first wandering goblin they encountered, or would run. We tried this in a modern Palladium game, basically we all took an online iQ test for Int, guessed on other stats based upon physical fitness, running...
  6. L

    What's your favorite Shadowrun edition?

    I started with 2nd ed and moved to third. It was a pain converting characters since they got rid of the all around "fire-arms" skill, which made sense. I liked the feel of the first and second ed books. I am a very visual person and loved having a page dedicated to each weapon and vehicle...
  7. L

    D&D 4E I bought GURPS 4e!!!! (and returned it the next day)

    I didn't like GURPS or the Hero system because it was ALL numbers based. Everything had a mathematical formula, everything was point based, and unless you had been around since first or 2nd edtion, or were a math major you really coudlnt' pick it up. I used the hero-maker software and the GURPS...
  8. L

    Star Wars Minatures: Who's Buying?

    Personally I hate the "collectable" aspect of the game. Reminds me too much of Magic: The Addiction. You have to spend a metric butt-load of $$$ in order to get the figures you want, you wind up with a ton of extras/doubles/ and figures you will probably never use. Of course there will be the...
  9. L

    Does anyone else think D&D 4th edition should be more like 2nd edition

    I see 1/2E as American Standard, and 3.0/3.5 as Metric. 1/2E all the basics were different - exp for classes, stat bonuses, that 10% bonus for exceptional stats, etc, etc. You had to constantly flip through six different pages, plus I HATED THAC0. I understood it, but it never made sense...
  10. L

    Wotc Forum vs Enworld Forum

    I cruised the WotC chat forums a couple of times, but the extreme lack of spelling and grammar for the most part drove me away. Plus I hate all the net jargon and abreviations. Granted I'm not the worlds best speller, but I at least make the attempt. I think it's great that kids are getting...
  11. L

    Are we sick of the Drow yet?

    I like the concept of the drow, I just hate how every Drow character seems to come across as a Drizt knock off. Escapes the underdark, fights for good, is moody and stays away from everyone.
  12. L

    Are we sick of Dwarves Yet?

    Heh, my friend had his dwarf talk like the Billy Bob Thornton from Slingblade. It was humorous at first, but after about the 100th "Uh huh" uttered we nearly knifed him. And I'm talking my friend, not the dwarf ;)
  13. L

    For All You Drizzt Fanboys

    Bah, humbug then ;) I don't own either nor do I plan too! I'll have to keep downloading NWN modules i guess!
  14. L

    For All You Drizzt Fanboys

    Is it going to be a console game or a computer game?
  15. L

    What's the best looking HUGE D&D miniature?

    The game store I hang out in had all of them on display. I like all of them, though Behir is by far my most fave. the Fire Giant is pretty groovy as well. I had no idea that the bullette was so BIG however! I just like the fact that the models are all to scale (more or less) and that a Dragon...