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Recent content by Largomad

  1. L

    So how's Kingmaker working out?

    Well for those interested in a sandbox sp sounds great it recalls me a bit needle the old 2nd ad&d adventure. (just a bit) . But for some reason its not my cup of tea, of all the aps this is the one that has left me more indiferent.
  2. L

    Monster Manual 2: How long before the pirated copy appears?

    The point of this thread is prove that the "remove our pdfs pannick" is a bad move.
  3. L

    OoTS 655

    From now on CON score has been replaced, it is called OH-CHUL score!! wooooooH!
  4. L

    OOTS 652: No Respect for the Wicked

    I don't have the book "Start of darkness" in front of me (at work now). But Xykon more or less says as he fights against dorukan, "There is not finesse or strategy that could not be defeated by the right quantity of brute strength, so energy drain" Well if this worked against an epic mage, why...
  5. L

    So, after the Green Ronin announcement, I am...

    Never heard about Dragon Age... =/
  6. L

    Oots 647!!!

    huh huh ;) important client flying in
  7. L

    Oots 647!!!

    Ok wait a second: Belkar says: "Let's split up for another year, maybe he'll finally master basic multiplication." oh oh things look grim for Belkar then..... http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0572.html
  8. L

    4E Art Direction--Yay or Nay

    Some good pieces, but most of them are really not filling my expectations.
  9. L

    Turning the Tables on White Wolf - Would you trade your Exalted book for 4th Edition?

    *Ponders* this has to be some kind of april joke, because is pure no sense. I give my old player's handbook, they give me a new exalted 2nd edition ($39) , then i buy a new player's handbook ($29). Thanks for the 10 dollars guys. In the end Wizards has sold 2 players handbook and White Wolf...
  10. L

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder Alpha "crunch" discussion

    3.5 is slow and cumbersome at higher levels (14+), it requires a lot of preparation for NPCs, ( I still have nightmares trying to create a BBEG monster with a couple of class levels, prestige classes , a template and some options from the UA) some classes and races are subpar (half-elves...
  11. L

    Pathfinder 1E PPP (Post Pathfinder Poll)

    I am going to use the alpha rules to my existing campaign, and give Paizo some feedback. But honestly I will swap to 4edition when the current episode arch of my campaign finishes and the necromancer, druid and bard are released in 4e.
  12. L

    Le Gamers de Femme

    Well, my group is 4 girls and 1 boy. Perhaps before this game was an all-male club, but lately things seem to be changing for the best.
  13. L

    Gary Gygax has passed. RIP beloved father of RPG's. (merged)

    Su juego ha sido un compañero constante en mi vida, sin él mi mundo hubiera sido mucho más gris. Gracías por todo Gary.
  14. L

    Paladin. Disappointing

    I think we are taking too many assumptions, in fact we don't know already the full mechanics of the new edition, perhaps a kind playtester could shed us some light. ;)