• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


My preferred gaming system is D&D 3/3.5/Pathfinder, although D&D 4e and older editions of the game are all worth a play. Other systems I have or would like to play include Cyberpunk V3 or earlier editions and Shadowrun.

My preferred settings are Ravenloft, Forgotten Realms, Dark Sun and Eberron (so quite open on that front).

I mostly GM games but am always up for being a player in an interesting game. I play in the London, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire areas. Its affordable this way.

To play D&D properly involves a steam tunnel. While worshipping Satan and committing suicide.

You may find me on Luna Online or DDO if you play MMORPG's. I'd play WoW but I'm a gyp and won't pay for things.

Information about me beyond gaming, should it prove useful in my asassination:
By profession I am a web developer. I graduated with a Bsc 2:1 in 2008 and been working since. I rave most weekends (psytrance, hard dance or industrial parties <3) so don't expect to find me sober on Sunday morning. I love music, acid, the occult, stone circles, the megalithic era, web 2.0, psytrance, industrial, chaos magic, non-linear systems, Artificial Intelligence, anime, cute stuff, mushrooms, dmt, mdma, backpacking, cyber fashion, Goth fashion, EGL, Harajuku fashion, forests, the ocean, summer, autumn, urban exploration, Germany, Funkion 1 sound systems, geekery, halluinogens, empathnogens, stimulants, mephedrone, methylone, chemical research and hope to one day run my own sweat shop in Taiwan.

Jul 21, 1984 (Age: 39)
London, England (UK)