• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by lmsAlucard

  1. L

    Dragon Emblem RPG Playtest

    Greetings everyone! I've decided to upload the core book and the 16 adventures to Dungeon Masters Guild! Please see link for if you are interested. By the way, it's free! Dragon Emblem RPG
  2. L

    Dragon Emblem RPG Playtest

    I am now at 5 players! Very exciting :) Just need one more playtester!!!
  3. L

    Dragon Emblem RPG Playtest

    Unfortunately, one of the players had to drop out due to real life situations. I am back down to three players, which means there are now 3 spots available for people to fill. If you know someone who might be interested and lives in the area, send them my way!
  4. L

    Dragon Emblem RPG Playtest

    Playtest has begun and two sessions have been completed. Finished the first adventure and the second has roughly 2 full sessions left. Total of 4 adventures to play through. Still sitting at 4 players and two spots available!
  5. L

    Dragon Emblem RPG Playtest

    Now at 4 players!
  6. L

    Dragon Emblem RPG Playtest

    Now at 3 players :)
  7. L

    Dragon Emblem RPG Playtest

    Correction. I now have two players.
  8. L

    Dragon Emblem RPG Playtest

    Hey there everyone! I am in need of new adventurers to aid me in testing the game I wrote call Dragon Emblem RPG. This is a tabletop game inspired by Dungeon Crawl Classics and Metamorphosis Alpha. New characters, skills, spells, mechanics, and enough loot to start your own kingdom. Few have...