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Recent content by LogantheBard

  1. L

    Pathfinder 1E Your Pathfinder campaigns - running Adventure Paths, published adventures, or homebrew?

    This! I don't have enough spare time to write my own material. When I can prepare an adventure path in approximately one-third of the time, I will.
  2. L

    Pathfinder 1E Your Pathfinder campaigns - running Adventure Paths, published adventures, or homebrew?

    I run adventure paths 90% as written. I love all of the storylines I've read (Played through 3 books of Serpent Skull before it collapsed, and am currently working through RotRL). We're about 6 2-3 hour sessions into book 1 of RotRL and are about to assault Thistletop. It's been a blast!
  3. L

    Pathfinder 1E RotRL Thistletop help

    Crossposted from Paizo's forums I'm not sure if it's due to my miscues, or pure assumption, my party has somehow arrived at the conclusion that the Thistletop goblins number in the hundreds, rather than the approximately 40 the adventure path describes. Rather than tell them that they're wrong...
  4. L

    Campaign of Anti-Heroes

    I recently picked up the PF Advanced Race Guide, and my players read through it and immediately had several ideas for characters, but most of which are not your typical hero. They've decided they'd like to play a campaign of anti-heroes. Not necessarily psychotic depraved evil, but morally...
  5. L

    Need Inquisitor suggestions

    I'm a huge fan of the Growth domain. The swift enlarge is incredibly useful, even though it doesn't mesh well with your judgements being swift action. I find the 10' reach (20' with a reach weapon!) crazy helpful when trying to line up a teamwork feat. Too bad you really only have Simple...
  6. L

    Archery Character - Ranger or Fighter?

    For a pure DPR standpoint, fighter is king. From a utility standpoint, ranger is king. My personal preference is Crossbow ranger. It lets me dump strength (low enough only to carry my gear) for higher Wis/Int/Cha for skills/feats/spells.
  7. L

    1st time Barbarian, Help!

    Shameless bump for Rage Prophet. Definitely my favorite prestige class, both in flavor and function.
  8. L

    Gravewalker Witch and Bonethrall

    Obviously handle animal isn't relevant in this case, but is there some sort of check to get them to obey? or just she says "go kill that guy" and they dumbly go kill it
  9. L

    Gravewalker Witch and Bonethrall

    I have a player wanting to play a Gravewalker Witch in our upcoming undead invasion style game. Gravewalker - Pathfinder_OGC I don't think I understand how the Bonethrall ability works. Does the undead minion "level up" with the player? Is she dependent on me feeding her undead to...
  10. L

    Looking for Undead resources

    I think one of the players in our group already has Libris Mortis in his library, I'll see if I can find that. Good suggestion about Carrion Crown, but I'm playing in a bi-monthly CC game now, so I don't want to delve into that and spoil the surprise for myself.
  11. L

    Looking for Undead resources

    I'm about to start a new campaign based on an undead invasion. I'm not familiar with a lot of the PF/3.5 splat books. What books are good investments for this genre of game?
  12. L

    Undead Apocalypse - How to handle clerics and paladins?

    This is good information for me, as well. I'm starting my own "undead-centric" game soon, as well. How unbalancing would it be to give a few other classes MORE options against undead? A specific example, one player wants to play a witch. I want to add Disrupt Undead to her spell list.
  13. L

    A Clockwork Soul - the Aulos

    Instead of armor bonus, why not a +2 fort bonus, and automatic light fortification (25% to avoid crit), or +4 ac against confirmations
  14. L

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder 101

    Love stories like this! Thanks for sharing!
  15. L

    Ultimate combat: Are Airships underpriced or are flying carpets a complete rip off?

    they should definitely have a hefty upkeep price: (B) ust (O) ut (A) nother (T) housand