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Recent content by Lord Foul

  1. Lord Foul

    AoW.TFoE: I think my PCs are screwed (spoilers)

    I ran this about a year ago, and IIRC, the maze is too tight dor the Ebon aspect to go through. So there should be no reason the group couldn't hold up in the Faceless One's area and rest before going out to face the aspect. My group had atough time fully rested, there is no way they would...
  2. Lord Foul

    Pimp my Ass!

    You should make him a bard. That way he can be a jack-ass of all trades. :lol: Sorry couldn't resist! Foul out.
  3. Lord Foul

    Not Wanting to Kill Characters

    I am the same way. Just a couple of sessions ago I killed one of the characters in my group and felt just as bad as the group. Then last session the same thing almost happened. I don't pull any punches so whatever happens happens. Most of the PC's survival has been due to my poor DM dice...
  4. Lord Foul

    Do I need glasses?

    I had the same problem. I would get headaches after reading, playing video games, or being on the computer for over an hour at a time. I only need glasses to read or be on the computer and no longer have any headaches or blurred vision after doing those activities.
  5. Lord Foul

    Small business question

    When PS first came out, there was a local arcade/video store that used to have 4 or 5 of them hooked up and would charge by the 1/2 hour to use them. As more and more people bought them for themselves they stoped renting time at his store. The only thing I see different in your case is that...
  6. Lord Foul

    Spell book pricing

    Thanks. I must have looked at that page 10 times in the last half hour and missed it.
  7. Lord Foul

    Spell book pricing

    My characters have found a spell book and after taking the spells they want, they want to sell it. How would I go about figuring a price for it?
  8. Lord Foul

    For those that drink, what's your poison of choice?

    Mine too! As for beer I'd have a hard time choosing between Amstel Light (sp?) or an ice cold black and tan.
  9. Lord Foul


    I would talk to your DM and figure a way without killing the wizard. All I can see coming from this is a bunch of hate and discontent. Remember what goes around comes around.
  10. Lord Foul

    Whose PC is this?! Denounce yourself!

    The girl is what happens when you cast Symbol of Stunning. Unfortunately The caster also has to make a Will save. :)
  11. Lord Foul

    More Mainstream D&D References Now!

    Same thing happened to me. Two weeks ago on friday night, my wife and I are sitting on the couch. She watches make over shows all night while I sit and catch up on my reading. All of the sudden I hear the male host describe the woman being made over as looking like a 13 year old boy on his...
  12. Lord Foul

    Whose PC is this?! Denounce yourself!

    The male is my 10th level gnome barbarian. The angle of the camera makes him look taller than he realy is.
  13. Lord Foul

    A question about TV sets...

    The web sites the other two posters have noted are good. I've used them myself. DLP is the way to go. The color and picture is so much better than LCD that it is very easy to see the difference. Also you don't have to worry about "burn ins" like the stations logo at the bottom of the screen...
  14. Lord Foul

    Should I Pick up Madden 2005?

    I will second that. It makes the draft something more than just numbers on a screen because you have seen them in action in the college football version.
  15. Lord Foul

    What is your current character's core class?

    Right now I'm playing a cleric5/morninglord of Lathander 2. Bring on the undead. :D