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Recent content by Lurch

  1. L

    How mainstream is D&D / RPGs

    *ahem* no comment... ;)
  2. L

    Respect to Mr. Gygax and Mr. Arneson

    Chalk it up to human nature; some folks like to put others on pedestals & keep them there, while others feel sacred cows make the best hamburgers. Opinions vary -- which is why we have horse races. ;)
  3. L

    Respect to Mr. Gygax and Mr. Arneson

    This is the same type of debate that gets whipped up when people discuss Tolkien. Any time I describe LOTR as "a great story told poorly" people break out the torches & pitchforks. I happen to enjoy Tolkien's stories a great deal, but at the same time I find Tolkien's writing style...
  4. L

    Respect to Mr. Gygax and Mr. Arneson

    Feh. :\ I'll give credit where credit is due for coming up with the groundbreaking concepts, but truth be told, the Old Man & I haven't seen eye to eye on many issues since. In fact, it seems lately every time ol' Gary opens his mouth, my respect for him dips a little lower. He's not a god...
  5. L

    Worst DM Quotes at Gencon

    I quite agree, Kugar; I know I had a blast judging the Open last year (and if the feedback I got was any indication, my players had a great time as well!) Hopefully my next go-round will be as much fun!
  6. L

    Worst DM Quotes at Gencon

    Well, speaking purely hypothetically of course, assuming BlizzarDru still had his RPGA ID# handy, he could just go to http://www.rpga.com , log in, and pick up where he left off. Mind you, the RPGA has changed its scoring/tracking format within the last year or so, so he may find the database...
  7. L

    Worst DM Quotes at Gencon

    AFAIK, he's still an Open judge; the folks in charge of the Open all vouched for him both personally & as a GM (according to them he had always been one of their better GM's in the past), and despite my irritation I decided to let the matter drop & sign up as a judge myself instead. In...
  8. L

    Adkison's Gen Con report

    Hear, hear! I don't know about anyone else, but IMO Indy gave us a big ol' "welcome to our town" hug the likes of which I (sadly) hadn't felt from Milwaukee for a number of years. Add to that the fact that downtown Indy doesn't seem to roll up the sidewalks when the sun goes down like...
  9. L

    Worst DM Quotes at Gencon

    Re: Re: Worst DM Quotes at Gencon Possibly, or it could be like the experience I had at the RPGA Open two years ago, where the DM showed up: a. without rulebooks; b. without pens, pencils, paper, or dice; c. without any kind of battlemat or positional markers; d. without even a basic working...
  10. L

    Gaming catchphrases, expressions, and idioms--what are yours?

    1. "Dibs on the armor!" In the early days of my gaming group, I had a player who ran a typically sticky-fingered rogue. In their first adventure, the party joined forces with a very elderly knight on his last quest. Keep in mind I had already informed the party repeatedly (in response to...
  11. L

    What are the odds of getting a good GM at Gencon?

    I was a DM in the Open this year (my first time judging the event), and I must agree that it was not a terribly well-written adventure, particularly the semi-final, which amounted to little more than a linear hack-n-slash gauntlet with a couple of non-combat tidbits thrown in for variety's sake...