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Recent content by Malic

  1. M

    Info on American States?

    Thanks guys, this is great! (Taken with a pinch of salt as recommended ...) Iowa most beer per capita, huh? As an Aussie I can respect that. Wow, Coca-Cola's from Georgia? That's hard to process, such a massive global icon/presence being from a particular place. How about McDonalds, is that...
  2. M

    Info on American States?

    Thanks, everyone! WayneLigon, thanks especially, I think that's got me on the right track. I found that one, put it together with a north america geography and a kid's book "National Geographic Our 50 States" (pictures! :) ), and that should at least get me started. I guess when I've read those...
  3. M

    Info on American States?

    Hi! I'm looking to fill in a gap in my history/geography/culture knowledge. Maybe someone on ENWorld can point me towards a good book? Though we hear a lot about 'America' (USA) in the media and some in school, it's kind of monolithic. I know there are lots of differences between 'North' and...
  4. M

    What are you going to buy next?

    Well the ones I am really waiting for at the moment are : Eternal Rome Bushido Compendium but to be honest I probably won't make it that long without picking up something else. I am on the fence about the DMG II, and if an XPH turns up on Ebay I will probably go for it.
  5. M

    Expanded Oriental Adventures

    I would snap up an updated OA with Kara-Tur or not. Are there any rumours of this actually happening? On Dragon Fist, over at the Green Ronin forums one of the moderators said the other day "we're expecting to see a turnover on the manuscript in a matter of weeks". I have no idea if that means...
  6. M

    Genre Conventions: What is fantasy?

    Hmm. I have to wonder, in an entirely non-snarky way, what is the point of attempting to define any 'genre'? Especially if, as Wayside says (if I understand it), all work is mixed, and there are therefore * no * examples of 'genre'? Next to that, the question of whether a 'genre' (as distinct...
  7. M

    Would a squirrel reference make you more likely to buy a new product?

    You know, this had never occurred to me before. But now the issue has been raised - yes. Yes it would. That's amazing, How did you know? Is this a random poll, or is there a squirrel-related product on the horizon? Which space should I watch?
  8. M

    Heroes Of Battle SUCKS!!! (IMHO)

    Just wondering, in terms of the war atmosphere, military backgrounds/personality types and stuff - how does 'The Black Company' do on this front? I haven't seen the setting yet but it sounds like the novels were pretty gritty military / mercenary themed?
  9. M

    [Rant] Is Grim n Gritty anything more than prejuidice?

    Ah! So you are talking about GnG as an "aesthetic criticism" (of DnD?) rather than as a genre or play style in its own right ... say, 'D&D is not GnG enough', or 'DnD rules aren't suitable for GnG games', or something ... and as a criticism you do not believe it is justified? I am still rather...
  10. M

    [Rant] Is Grim n Gritty anything more than prejuidice?

    Hi Dr Strangemonkey, this thread is covering some interesting ground so thanks for kicking it off. I'd just like to know why you insist on using a loaded word like 'prejudice' for this GnG concept. Whether you insist that there can be good and bad prejudice or not, it clearly implies that...
  11. M

    Roll Call: calling all Australian Enworld members

    Hiya, another Brisbane person here. Just playing in a homebrew D&D game atm.
  12. M

    I want to see D20 <fill-in-the-blank> [Thread from 2002]

    D20 Age of Unreason (Greg Keyes) for me. Colonial-era post-apocalyptic setting (not in a mad max sense for a change), sinister 'angels', quasi magical physics and technology, shamanic powers ... great mix!
  13. M

    Defeated by puzzle - campaign over: Here is the offending puzzle!

    Hiya Roman, Just wondering, has your DM shown a pattern of being unwilling to admit mistakes generally? Or is being the puzzle guru especially important to him? It does sound rather like he doesn't have a solution, or made a mistake in the presentation, and doesn't want to admit it... Also...
  14. M

    Is this gaming product too offensive or merely funny?

    I didn't, and I don't. I don't find it funny but it does not offend me particularly, and I don't think it is at all based on hatred. My comment was not related to the book at all - I felt that your comment about hatred being illusionary was less specific and belittled beakie's (and others')...
  15. M

    Is this gaming product too offensive or merely funny?

    There is real hatred and discrimination out there, Eric, and some of us real people have to deal with it.