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Recent content by Medesha

  1. M

    What's a Freelance RPG Writer Worth?

    That is my experience as well (though I started in magazine writing and would never turn in something 20% over word count). Editors are really good at spotting padding when they see it and often have heavily developed outlines before they even talk to freelancers. Not always, but often.
  2. M

    What's a Freelance RPG Writer Worth?

    Speaking solely on my own experience, I've been freelancing for about 11 years. Mostly writing, though I've done a little editing and even some publishing in that time. I'd say it took me about 5 or 6 years before I really cemented my reputation and was able to negotiate higher rates from...
  3. M

    Are the official WotC forums worth going to?

    I've been gaming with Arturick for two years now, both as player and DM. He's the best DM I've ever had, and an absolute joy to DM. I've never met a more conscientious, helpful, and talented role-player in my life.