
Looking for other games to supplement current. I have experience with D&D from the Basic Set, 1e, 2e, 3e, 3.5e & 4e. Only have player material for 4e now. I am in an ongoing 4e LFR campaign that meets on Saturdays, (we are full at the moment...but there is a fair group consensus that we should kick a certain member that is just not a team player...).

I enjoy all types of gaming. I don't have much in the way of games myself, but I do have materials for Warhammer 40k (the beginnings of a Dark Eldar force), Warhammer Fantasy Battles (the current battle box) and for Warmachine (Retribution of Scyrah about 15 pts unbuilt).

I own the Arcana card game and should be receiving the Cadwallon RPG soon in the mail. I have a Rams of Acheron army for Confrontation AoR. I like trying new board and card games. Third Planet in Torrance is a regular haunt.

I am looking to get back into WoW once I finish building my gaming computer. (So close, yet so far : [ )
Long Beach, CA


