Recent content by Mikaze

  1. M

    BLUE ROSE Returns, Championing Diversity & Inclusiveness

    Adding to those above, Pathfinder(the setting) too, though your point still stands. Throw in the embedded homophobia in the videogame community, which has a ton of cultural and player crossover with tabletop gaming, and the need becomes even more apparent.
  2. M

    Gen Con Takes Stand For Inclusiveness

    Politics pushed first. And doing nothing would have nasty consequences for people GenCon wants to feel welcome.
  3. M

    Gen Con Takes Stand For Inclusiveness

    I've only been to the Indy cons, but I can imagine. And depending on the local climate....oh this could get rough. Indy at least tended towards a dry heat in my experience there, but that's a skewed Louisianan perspective talking.
  4. M

    Gen Con Takes Stand For Inclusiveness

    Religion* and politics are the ones that came to GenCon, not the other way around. This is a situation where choosing to say or do nothing would have hurt people. If you want to blame someone, pin it on those that are pushing an unjust, harmful bill. GenCon is looking out for the people...
  5. M

    Gen Con Takes Stand For Inclusiveness

    Oh God, the benefits of those skywalks are going to be one of the hardest things to let go. Especially for those lugging and/or wearing heavy, unwieldy stuff, like a cart full of board games or a Pyramid Head costume + ridiculously oversized knife.
  6. M

    Gen Con Takes Stand For Inclusiveness

    This, with a side dish of "GenCon isn't the one that's hurting people".
  7. M

    BLUE ROSE Returns, Championing Diversity & Inclusiveness

    Well this is certainly timely considering what's going on with Gencon. Personally I was onboard primarily for optimistic, non-grimdark fantasy with the inclusiveness simply deeply appreciated. Now I'm grateful for it on a very different level.
  8. M

    Gen Con Takes Stand For Inclusiveness

    Along with seconding Shemeska's point that orientation and gender identity are neither a lifestyle or a matter of choice, exactly how are LGBT folks forcing anything on others by simply wishing to be treated as equals. We aren't exactly recruiting, you know. Is our merely existing too much...
  9. M

    BLUE ROSE Returns, Championing Diversity & Inclusiveness

    I'm excited about it. After years upon years of fantasy and gaming being drowned in cynicism and grimdark, it'll honestly be a relief to get some hopeful idealism in the place. I've really missed romantic fantasy, and if this helps give that genre a much needed boost I'm more than 100% behind...
  10. M

    Pathfinder 1E Aberrant Sorcerers

    I keep fiddling around with my change gameplan. Have an aberrant sorcerer/heavens oracle character that's waiting for the right campaign. Goes in a different direction from Lovecraft and the usual aberrant types though. Whatever alien-as-hell being parked in this character's family tree was...
  11. M

    Players designing the world

    I'm quite a ways further South, sorry! ;) And thanks! I'm going to be looking into Ever Dream to see how it played out. It may be a while when(and if) this gets run since we've still got a way to go in our current campaign, but if it takes off I'll definitely update. Yeah, I'm going to try...
  12. M

    Players designing the world

    MY PLAYERS STAY OUT Possibly heading into wild territory soon after the current campaign I'm running wraps up, and I'm wondering if anyone has had any experience with this sort of thing. The long-story-short bare-bones premise: The players will create high level characters from a...
  13. M

    Can Anyone Help Me Find This Necro-Harem Scenario?

    Cripes...I've only read the comic adaptation. If it was true to the original story, all anyone gets up to "onscreen" is slow dancing with them. Lonely folks just when into the bar to dance and have "company" while they waited to die. But the implications... Yeah, that whole story was a...
  14. M

    Players, GMs, and "My character"...

    I'd suggest the limiters put in place to make sure the game doesn't shoot past the players' comfort levels trumps that absolute freedom. Hell, as a GM running an evil campaign, I put down limitations that amounted to "Don't turn this into an escalating depravity war. No rape." to make sure...
  15. M

    Killing the sense of wonder

    I'm wondering if this one may be the most critically important of the bunch. While I agree that just calling out monster names and mailing in the descriptions hurts like hell, players that don't even try to get into the game are going to short circuit any wonder you manage to build up. But you...