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Recent content by Mission_Poster

  1. M

    Locations & Prices for ISRP RL event.

    Wow... that kills my idea. Not that I had a good one... And I assure you it had nothing to do with a resort O.O
  2. M

    ISRP Convention??

    Aww Fowai that's special! My brother is currently in Utah on his mission :) He'll be back in February ;)
  3. M

    Isrp RL Event

    Saint Cloud, Florida
  4. M

    The "Whatever happened to X?" thread.

    People actually miss Zar Endel????
  5. M

    The "Whatever happened to X?" thread.

    I was under the impression that Cameroth was Thunder's player himself :o I have his myspace and yim, I'll be sure to let him know he's just that sly? And I talk to Amaya's player sometimes as well! Say, does anyone remember Lain Ikari (or something like that)?
  6. M

    Little problem.

    Aha! I believe I understand the problem now, so I'll go ahead and explain my understanding... (Hope I'm right!) There is a certain coding on the front page and when someone uses a bracket (<>) in their message it.. messes with the coding. Explaining why/how would mean me not being lazy so...
  7. M

    Little problem.

    Bari, could you just try my suggestion? I commonly practice HTML and I'm almost 100% sure that if you just remove the link from your message all will be well. If that doesn't work then, hey.. at least you tried, right?
  8. M

    Little problem.

    Bari, it happens to me too and I am pretty sure that if you remove the '<[/URL]' part of your post the problem should be solved.
  9. M

    The "Whatever happened to X?" thread.

    Filqh is gone? I spoke with the player not too long ago.. I'll have to mention that he's missed. ^^
  10. M

    TMP Description clear-up.

    Now here's my question... I have played Palladium before and they have some really neat cyborgs that I wanted to know if they could be used in TMP. Mind you, they're disguised as humans... I was also just wondering, who decides how much technology has advanced for this setting? Palladium could...
  11. M

    Event idea

    That -does- sound like a good idea. Then we wouldn't have people just sitting around the tavern anymore. Not that it isn't fun sometimes <.<
  12. M

    TMP Description clear-up.

    ... but we love Mountain Dew!
  13. M


    Here's another idea, anybody thought of making a cult? Those may be popular too I suppose, then again, who wants to walk around all day sacrificing baby lambs? Ok, bad idea.. and kudos to the person that voted no, you're the only one so far!
  14. M

    The "Whatever happened to X?" thread.

    I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this one yet so here I go.. I don't know the name of the character, but the character himself was a male.. I believe he had wings.. was from a different world and was becoming ill from being on Greyhawk.. he was a male prostitute and slept in the stables at the...
  15. M

    Of course I'm going to announced.

    Who's the unlucky guy? HA! Just kidding ;) Hope you are happy together! *is actually rather curious about the proposal*