• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Montar

  1. M

    Ptolus - Six Days Early!

    The box was in pretty poor shape so I was a bit worried, but, luckily, the book was in great shape aside from a couple of corners that had minor dents. Nothing that wouldn't have happend anyways over the course of time, so I'm fine with it.
  2. M

    Prop Help

    Thanks Reanjr, I very much appreciate the help!
  3. M

    Ptolus - Six Days Early!

    I'm in Massachusetts and I just got mine today. Number 298, no doodles though. I've only skimmed through it, but it's fantastic, adventure ideas were popping into my head with every page I looked over.
  4. M

    Prop Help

    Hi everyone, I don't have a ton of artistic talent, but I've always wanted to make some props for my games along the lines of what you see in published adventures. What I'd mainly like to make is parchments, scrolls, letters, etc. with appropriately themed writing on them (runes, symbols...
  5. M

    On-Line Blacksmithing guides?

    Hello, Does anyone know of any good on-line guides to the art of Blacksmithing? I'm doing some research for a campaign and I'd love to find some guides/articles that detail the steps, materials, etc. that Blacksmiths use to create weapons, armor, and tools. Thanks in advance!
  6. M

    Scarred Lands and EoM

    Elements of Magic is a product put out by Natural Press that defines an entirely new kind of magic system for d20. Instead of the usual slots it uses mana points and a system of spell lists. It's a fantastic product and I really like it, but I wonder if using it in a Scarred Lands campaign would...
  7. M

    Scarred Lands and EoM

    First of all, hello to everyone. I'm a long-time lurker who finally decided to post. :) My question is; has anyone used Elements of Magic in the Scarred Lands setting? Does it work well or does the setting lose some of its "flavor" if you use a different magic system? Thanks in advance!
  8. M

    Pure Ownage (please read if you play a MMOLRPG)

    In short, some 17 year old kid got a hold of other people's passwords, used them to get into these other people's accounts, took their items (and sold them on E-bay), and then deleted their very high level characters. The whole time he was doing this he was sending people e-mail, describing in...