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Recent content by Mortarion

  1. M

    Alienist summon boost?

    I believe that i am going to just the normal alienist + Alter summoning + aberration in the summon list. I do not belive this will be overpowered, stronger but not that much. Now I just have to stick the pseudo template on a 100+ different creatures which probably will take a couple of days :(
  2. M

    Alienist summon boost?

    Very nice indeed, got any more that would fit the bill, maybe from Lords of Madness? Anyway thanks!
  3. M

    Dire Mace?

    I believe that is called a War mace
  4. M

    Alienist summon boost?

    SM I Darkmantle (maybe SM II, its a little too tough for SM I, but not by much) nice and tentacly. I prefer tostick to the neutral of the pseudo template, however, the more intelligent critters could be evil. SM II Yurian, Choker SM III - IV Grell (evil though), Carrion Crawler, Grick, Fihyr...
  5. M

    Alienist summon boost?

    I think I will do this: The Alienist will get the abilities to summon everything non outsider as a pseudo and maybe add a couple of aberrations of roughly the same Cr as the rest of the monsters to the list as well. While this is a opwer boost to the alienist it is quite fitting as the Alienist...
  6. M

    Alienist summon boost?

    It is true that this is what an Alienist does. What i whas thinking was allowing them to summon normally non templated non outsiders like elementals, stirges and other things on the list as pseudonatural, maybe with a feat. So no pseudo outsiders, outsiders are strong enough already.
  7. M

    Alienist summon boost?

    Maybe change all outsiders up one or more steps on the ladder for example from Summon monster III to IV, or maybe forbid the Alienist from summoning outsiders at all. Or maybe make it inte a feat, Improved Alien summoning. It would require one to already be able to summon pseudonatural...
  8. M

    Alienist summon boost?

    Would it be unbalanced to give an alienist the ability to summon anything from the summon monster spells as a pseudonatural creature. Which means that he can for example summon an pseudonatural water elemental. If this is unbalanced, what could be done to balance the Alienist? Maybe remove some...
  9. M

    Need help finding a summoner Prestige Class

    Would it be broken to allow the Alienist to go back to hit roots, wich means summon pseudonatural anythings instead of just animals and vermin. For an example he could summon an pseudonatural water elemental. Would that be broken?
  10. M

    The Blood Magus

    Thank you Vorput, that was just the kind of answer I was looking for. If anyone else want to share their thoughts on this cool class please feel free to do so. I just wonder if anyone have any tips for playing a Blood Magus well, how to use their strenghs and minimize weaknesses and that sort...
  11. M

    The Blood Magus

    The Blood Magus is a prestige class from Complet Arcane for those that do not already know that. What do you think about the Blood Magus class? What are its strenghs and weaknesses? Do you have any tips, builds or experiences with the Blood magus you want to share?
  12. M

    Animal lord?

    Does anyone play a Animal lord (complete adventurer)? what are your experiences with the PrC? Good/bad? I am thinking of playing one, any tips?
  13. M

    The Official Welcome Thread

    Just wanted to say Hi! A have been reading this forums for some time (especially the story hours) but have recently registered.
  14. M

    What have i missed about Greenbound Summoning?

    Don't forget that the summoned animal becomes a plant wich means that some of the druids spells for example enlarge animal (not sure of the name) will not work.