Recent content by Mythmere1

  1. M

    Interviews with ENNIE nominees

    For those who are tracking the ENNIEs, I've done interviews on Uncle Matt's D&D Studio with several of the people who are now nominees for ENNIE awards. For anyone who wants to get a face-to-face introduction to some of the nominees, here is the list of links to those interviews: Jason Hobbs...
  2. M

    There's A New Online Gaming Store In Town

    So far we haven't started any program of advising publishers about how to maximize their sales. Once things calm down a bit, and we have more smaller publishers in the fold, we'll be doing that. These are also our highest priorities. For a list of things identified by customers and publishers...
  3. M

    There's A New Online Gaming Store In Town

    We will be able to ship from the USA to other countries, but unlike with POD companies like Lulu, we don't have mailing sources outside the USA (Lulu sends print jobs to nearby countries for printing and shipping). So our cost to ship will be basically the same as it would be for regular...
  4. M

    There's A New Online Gaming Store In Town

    Both of you guys make very valid points, and hopefully there's no acrimony about John's other store. There are obviously a lot of components involved in operating a download store. The first and foremost is consolidation of customers into one market area both for their convenience of the...
  5. M

    There's A New Online Gaming Store In Town

    5th edition products: will be only on Tabletop Library Pathfinder and other products: will be on both sites. Both companies will also continue to maintain their own websites. Tabletop isn't about using exclusivity to tie publishers into the site. The only reason for our 5e exclusivity is to...
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    There's A New Online Gaming Store In Town

    Adding previews is the highest priority right now -- the way it's set up, the "preview" shows the entire pdf ... not ideal. :) That function should be up and running soon.
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    There's A New Online Gaming Store In Town

    Incidentally, new products have been going up all day as new publishers join and existing publishers continue to add products.
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    There's A New Online Gaming Store In Town

    Thanks! On my way to do that. EDIT: Done.
  9. M

    There's A New Online Gaming Store In Town

    Definitely we have. I'm not a paper person, but in terms of binding, Frog God binds our books with a very expensive smythe-sewn binding, pretty much what libraries use. We print through a company that does yearbooks for schools so the books are as durable as they can be. That's not an option...
  10. M

    There's A New Online Gaming Store In Town

    So, as one of the owners, here's my two cents on the questions people have asked: Points of Competition with OBS: On day one, as Morrus points out, we're competing on technology with a company that has had years to build a fantastic customer-service and sales-maximization site. It is totally...
  11. M

    The Day Has Come! It's An OGL! And A Store To Buy & Sell D&D 5E Products!

    Things are moving fast in the publisher world. :) The guy who does the online SRD for Pathfinder is going to be putting one up for 5th edition as well. The website is going to be and material will probably start going up later today. The 5eSRD page hasn't propagated yet, but it...
  12. M

    Pathfinder 1E Richard Pett's The Blight Kickstarter

    It appears I may have been totally wrong about this, a matter of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing within the company. More information will probably come out shortly about the method by which we're contemplating a 5e version. Apologies for misinformation.
  13. M

    Pathfinder 1E Richard Pett's The Blight Kickstarter

    This would be the key component. Having read the introductory "book" of the Blight, there would be some very subtle conversion issues to deal with, and it's a long book. Once we get a sense for the 5e participation in the Borderland Provinces Kickstarter, it will provide much more meaningful...
  14. M

    Lost Lands: The Blight, a FGG Kickstarter

    With a strong start to the funding, more than one-third in 24 hours.