• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


Wandering Poet-Philosopher of the Pure Land School of Haiku; Author, Poet, Essayist, Editor; Non-denominational Minister; and Clinical Research Associate. Born in Newport, Rhode Island but grew up on the Southside of Chicago until age ten when we moved to the woods and wilds of rural Northwestern Indiana (Crown Point). I lived in Munster, Indiana before I went off to study English and literature at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.

I enlisted in the USAF and served 10 years (3 conflicts). I completed a degree in Communications and Leadership at RAF Alconbury, England, UK, separated with an honorable discharge, and entered a Biblical studies program. I completed a degree in Theology and served 35 years as a wandering minister (27 different cities in 14 states and one foreign country). Held various secular jobs: corporate safety compliance officer and trainer, CEO of a credit union, banking compliance and tech writer, power utilities company corporate compliance analyst, clinical research associate, and online adult English writing instructor.

I returned to school with Purdue University and completed a B.S. degree in Interdisciplinary Studies, graduated summa cum laude, to go along with my A.S. in Communications, and A.A. in Theology. I love to research anything and everything, but especially English and the writing arts and plan to pursue a masters and maybe a doctorate later.

I am the Founder of NavWorks Press; and the Originator and owner of the We Write Poetry™ forums and the Pride in Poetry Prize™ and Publication series.

In 1980 I became a published poet in the Purdue Exponent Literary Edition and have been writing stories and crafting poetry for over 40 years. More than ten of my books are published and I have many other publication credits in magazines, journals, online, and in other books that are too numerous to list.

I am a voracious reader, researcher, and writer of stories, essays and poetry. I'm an avid wargamer, game-designer, and RPG player and Game Ref (DM or GM). I love gourmet cooking (worldwide cuisines and ethnic dishes). My other interests are music appreciation, hiking and communing with nature, outdoor exploration and adventure, and literary analysis.

You can see my books on my Author Page at Amazon.
February 27
Tucson Arizona


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