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Recent content by newgrace

  1. N

    Removing the "Revolving Door of Death"

    I agree with you, I like death to be more permenant as it creates more stress and excitement. Plus when you do pull it off and everyone is barely alive, thats a good feeling. Other people like it different, but your not alone in wanting life to be more valuable (And combat taking more...
  2. N

    Impale? Moving floors

    It sounds to me like the DM was just resolving the party conflict issue. I wouldnt blame him if all the other players were working together, and your character was causing severe conflict "out of game" by working against the team. My current group has a player who is our cleric, and he is...
  3. N

    Alternates/Replacements for Paladins Divine Grace

    that would seem to fit well, ill see if the dm will let me give it a go. He is being loose on alignment restrictions, and allowing me to play a nuetral good paladin. its a low magic campaign and I am the only non-caster in the party. I wanted to be more of a fighter, so he made some ammends...
  4. N

    Alternates/Replacements for Paladins Divine Grace

    I am hopeing some of you can help me, i have a gestalt dwarf that is retraining into paladin. Problem is, he was originally fighter, and my chr is 8. So lay on hands and divine grace dont help me at all! I found a good alternative to resist disease and gave up turn undead for the Domain Luck...
  5. N

    Pinpointing area spells

    This reminds me of our weekend game. Large scale battle between 2 sides. Right in the beginning one player cast evards tentacles, our main NPC that we were there to talk to charges into the enemy group, and my smartass throws out the cloudkill trying to get near our NPC, but not on him...I...
  6. N

    Knowledge (Local) for humanoids

    I get the complaints of the plethora of knowledge skills, but I like the variety, and the fact that you could have a character with a large amount of the skills, and a fighter with one knowledge skill, and they know very different things. But as for your question, ive seen knowledge nature used...
  7. N

    Reaping Mauler

    I think it would be important if it were a more powerful class. Its a good class, but come on, plenty of PrCs can make a character pretty damn powerful without having to go thru much trouble. Setup a simple one vs one, or just let the party take down a big guy and call it good.
  8. N

    Frostburn Spells I: Obscuring Snow

    Sounds to me it only has certain useful applications. Cant exactly walk around town with a snowstorm blowing around you, and no Inn would want you inside. So indoor adventures shouldnt be changed. And if the temperature isnt exactly freezing, arent you leaving a lot of snow slush behind, that...
  9. N

    Warlock 24-hr invocations

    A good example is Dark Ones Own Luck, which gives a bonus to a single save. It clearly states that you can only have 1 save boosted at a time, and have to dissolve it before casting again. But you can have Beguiling Influence, and See the Unseen, and Devil's Sight all active at the same time...
  10. N

    Certain basic feats that should exist (IYO) but don't

    2 that I really want. 1 - Add dex for damage on ranged weapons. Str increases damage on melee, I want someone with a bow or dagger to be able to increase their damage for having a greater stat. 2 - Combat abilities to perform targeted attacks. Like a trip attempt, but involves hitting a...
  11. N

    Appropriate use of Spot check

    I could see making opposed spot checks to see which group sees the other first. That would give the guards a chance to hide/react before. Funny incident, I had a character with a base -6 listen, and with other negatives, would have trouble hearing people talking. I played him as very absent...
  12. N

    Flesh mechanics?

    Dread Necro or some other animator class, to Fleshwarper from Lords of Madness (same class he is referencing above). Fleshwarper is all about the grafts. You can get one hell of a familiar using the combination.
  13. N

    Good ideas for a Dread Necros Cohort

    A simple request for help. I am playing in an evil campaign, where my undead dread necro/warlock is about to gain a cohort. Thing is, I dont want the game to revolve around me as I am already hogging time with my undead. So I am trying to find a good cohort that can aid the group, would fit...
  14. N

    Diplomacy Checks

    I remember a previous thread on this where they brought up a great scenario. Making the evil bad guy friendly with diplomacy, then he kills you quickly instead of torturing you... A lawful good sherrif made friendly, maybe he will speak up for you, maybe he will drop by and visit while you are...
  15. N

    Diplomacy Checks

    I know a vs check with diplomacy results in haggling, such as trying to have a shop owner reduce his prices. Then its his diplomacy vs yours. But another thing to keep in mind, is diplomacy takes time. My character heavily uses the social skills, and the majority of my diplomacy time is spent...