• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by NN

  1. N

    Is 'Good vs Evil' fantasy better for long-term campaigns than more 'amoral' Swords & Sorcery?

    Theres plenty of middle ground between GvE and S&S. I dont like the Monolithic Threat found in Warhammer and Middle Earth.
  2. N

    Examples Of Minimum Quality For Published Adventures

    A module must 1) support its core idea and 2) have the material for the reasonably predictable range of player actions.
  3. N

    Removing Bonuses from Ability Scores

    Why not do away with ability scores and just have attributes?
  4. N

    D&D 2E What was wrong with 2e?

    What was wrong with 2E was that it was a cynical rip off "How can we make the punters buy the rules again with the minimum effort".
  5. N

    What is "gamist"?

    Gamism belongs to GNS theory. If you dont like GNS then use some other term in your analysis. Otherwise its all a pointless waste of time arguing over the definition of a word.
  6. N

    What Does An Adventure With Vanilla Elements Need To Sell?

    Focus on what the specific challenge of the adventure really is and help the DM referee that. Make the party 'failing' fun Eg, taking Stormunu's adventure one should - really go to town on what the xorn is like and what it will take to befriend him. - structure the plot so that getting...
  7. N

    D&D 5E I don't like Dragonborn: Please stay away from D&D Next.

    The core rules should be yer basic quasi-medieval psuedo tolkeinesque cliche with the core races as human, elf, dwarf, and hobbit. Ok, you can have half elves, gnomes, and half-orcs as well. Anything else goes in a supplement. Im not totally against angelbonkers and demonfiddlers and...
  8. N

    DMs: How Do You Clue Players In That...

    Why not just tell em' 'er, this is plot, yous arent meant to fight it' better to interrupt your game with 3 seconds of straightforward metagame direction than spoil it with cheezy in-game 'clues'
  9. N

    Why Games Workshop is not a good business

    all internet threads on GW must link to http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_tCQH9GegMWA/SzN994fMuPI/AAAAAAAABqk/pj7knA4U4Jo/s1600-h/page+1.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_tCQH9GegMWA/SzN90FsxR4I/AAAAAAAABqc/T6RBo_sbyUE/s1600-h/page+2.jpg
  10. N

    Why Games Workshop is not a good business

    Breaking News: UK Trading Standards have threatened to shut down Games Workshop for false advertising. And official source advised "The name Games Workshop implies craftmanship, pride, and innovation - traits which we were unable to find in anywhere their dreadful range of puerile, cynical...
  11. N

    Why Games Workshop is not a good business

    I agree. Games Workshop would be much better if they stopped filling their shops with those crappy miniatures for spotty losers and instead sold all the gaming stuff that I like to buy. And another thing - they should reboot White Dwarf at issue 91 too. ;)
  12. N

    How much detail for published campaign settings?

    I agree. But then I think: maybe this is the wrong way round? What we actually want is adventures that illustrate and inform the setting. Think: bottom-up not top-down creation.
  13. N

    Are adventures/modules more important than system?

    5E needs to hit the ground running with half a dozen great adventures, including 1) a newbie handholder 2) a 1st level sandbox 3) a mix of higher level stuff that showcases whats 'better' about 5E