Recent content by Olospreckler

  1. O

    D&D 5E Where does optimizing end and min-maxing begin? And is min-maxing a bad thing?

    Min-maxing just makes DnD into a numbers game; you might as well just play skyrim.
  2. O

    D&D 5E Military food in dnd

    Well, most medieval armies would count on being able to live off the land as they go, requisitioning farms for example. Rations would be things like cured meat and heavily salted fish, food that can last for a long time without a fridge.
  3. O

    Make your own Ultimate DM Screen!

    That's really cool! I haven't seen the whole video, but I assume there's space for notes and tables?
  4. O

    Al-Qadim: Land of Fate (5e conversion)

    I just noticed this Al-Qadim adaption on the DM's guild:
  5. O

    Al-Qadim: Land of Fate (5e conversion)

    Hey, Quickleaf, I really like the work you're doing on this conversion. I'm soon going to be running an Arabian Nights campaign that's basically Al-Qadim by a different name, and I'd be keen to do some playtesting.