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Recent content by OneDeeTwenty

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    New player seeking Pathfinder group Online or face-face in Cornwall, UK

    So, yeah, I guess the title says it all really, I'm looking to start playing pathfinder. But being that I live in an area where there are not many games to be found, I went looking for Online games, only to struggle there also. So, in conclusion, if anyone knows of a Pathfinder game that needs...
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    Pathfinder 1E Looking to start a Pathfinder online game.

    Not today, But i'm happy for you to join, and we'll work around it if you're unavailable on some days.
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    Pathfinder 1E Looking to start a Pathfinder online game.

    Sounds like a pln, so if we say Saturdays at 20:00 (gmt), which for you Riti is around... 15:00 i think? And 21:00 for you Lindeloef. So do you guys reckon 3 players is enough? or should we wait for more? If you guys could either post your email's or email me just to give me a more direct way of...
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    Pathfinder 1E Looking to start a Pathfinder online game.

    Hi there Lindeloef. Sorry, should have mentioned that. I'm pretty flexible, so any day past 19:00 GMT is good for me, but the day isn't important, we could always arrange it around everyone's schedule for that week. But if I say primarily on a Saturday, at least to start, and then we see how we...
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    Pathfinder 1E Looking to start a Pathfinder online game.

    Hello! Um, not totally sure how to begin, so... Ah! yes. I'm looking to get into Pathfinder, and I know that it's recommended to start as a player to learn the rules, but I've a hankering to GM. So I'm looking for patient people that would want to play in an online (Maptool) game of...