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Recent content by Ormiss

  1. O

    4 Hours w/RSD - Introducing Undermountain (Ryan Dancey)

    Thanks! Ryan, thanks for posting this! :) I've been struggling with many of these same issues in my own DMing and this is an inspiring read. I especially like the hints you show about your magic system. I hope to see the spell list some day! All the best, // Jonas
  2. O

    Star Wars: Chasing the Stars! (Updated: 6/30/05)

    My condolences. I lost my grandfather about a year ago. To speak of lighter subjects, I'm enjoying this story hour quite a bit so far. The ambience is excellent, and the characters are interesting. I'm glad for the expanded information you gave on your character and his ward. The writing flows...
  3. O

    Do the initiative rules discourage parley?

    If there is any roleplaying system out there that doesn't penalize you in combat for making your presence known instead of attacking by surprise, it transcends the realm of fantasy and moves into the world of the bizarre. :) On the other hand, parlaying has its own benefits, such as not having...
  4. O

    Rate this monster's CR! (Stained Glass Champion)

    Now, take my words very lightly because I'm a novice to 3rd Edition, but at first glance, I would rate this creature at CR ~15, possibly 16 to be safe. The Stained-Glass Golem is from MM2, isn't it? Anyway, shouldn't its grapple bonus be 18+8=26? Yes, the golem has one too many iterative...
  5. O

    Some beginner questions about Improving Monsters

    Thank you for your help! Incidentally, I've been reading your Cydra story hour lately--it's been great entertainment. :) I have another question: If you give a monster with CR 15 (26 HD, fyi) 10 class levels, how much wealth would you say it could spend on equipment? As a 10th level character...
  6. O

    Some beginner questions about Improving Monsters

    Hi! I have a couple of questions relating to improving monsters as per the rules in the Monster Manual. 1) Does a creature that is advanced through HD gain any bonuses to ability scores such as the ones gained by characters/creatures advancing in classes? (In addition to the bonuses gained by...
  7. O

    [Libris Mortis] Angel of Decay reflex save?

    You are correct: The Angel of Decay has Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes as well as Iron Will.
  8. O

    [Libris Mortis] Angel of Decay reflex save?

    The creature does indeed have no items. Thanks for the quick reply, I guess my understanding of the rules isn't as flawed as I had thought, then. :)
  9. O

    [Libris Mortis] Angel of Decay reflex save?

    Hi, The Angel of Decay (page 83 of Libris Mortis) is listed as having the following saving throws: Fort +14, Ref +18, Will +26. However, I can't for the life of me figure out how its reflex saving throw gets to 18. Undead have poor fortitude and reflex saves, so its base reflex save should be...
  10. O

    Beginner in need of multi-class advice...

    Hi, I'm a long time lurker and reader of the D&D manuals but I've never actually DMed or played 3rd edition D&D before. (I DM a lot of other campaigns, mostly homebrewed ones.) My problem is, my friend wants to play an Eldritch Knight, but he doesn't want to be primarily Wizard in his...
  11. O

    How do you take over a magical island?

    I'm thinking that a Wand of Zeus Summoning would come in handy here. The cabal of evil mages probably has one lying around, right?
  12. O

    "Is it an Evil Outsider??"

    In my opinion, the favored enemy bonuses apply because the ranger knows (for instance) how to act against them in combat--how to anticipate their moves. If the ranger, for whatever reason, doesn't realize that she's fighting an "evil outsider" then she shouldn't get the bonuses. If a dragon is...
  13. O

    dead thread - please delete

    I wish you success in your endeavors. Welcome back in May!
  14. O

    dead thread - please delete

    A zombie/vampire game? I'd be interested in hearing about how that panned out as well. ;)
  15. O

    Would you allow this paladin in your game? (new fiction added 11/11/08)

    True, but you used the word feudalism in the post I originally replied to, and feudalism for me implies the system mimicked in "medieval fantasy" such as D&D. If you meant the entire spectrum of vassalage (which, due to the way language evolves, is quite huge) then I'm appeased. I did say...