• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


I'm on the Maryland side of the DC area, and I'm interested in finding a gaming group. I play first edition L5R, Shadowrun (3 so far, though I own the core book for 4), D&D 3.5 (any setting, though I particularly enjoy Planescape and Forgotten Realms), Changeling: the Lost, and nearly any Cthulhu-riffic game - Call of Cthulhu 5th edition, Trail of Cthulhu, the Esoterrorists. I've never played Dogs in the Vineyard, Don't Rest Your Head, Agon, Lady Blackbird, or Fiasco, but I'd like to try them all.

I'm also shamefully in love with Munchkin, and I haven't played nearly enough board games to be good at any of them.

I'm very not into pure dungeon crawls. I love socially-focused games with a mystery to figure out and a world to build with my fellow players and GM. I'm more than willing to spend time creating a detailed character to make that happen.

I run games I'd like to play - rich environments that have absolutely no railroading but a whole lot of consequences if Our Protagonists react rather than acting upon their environment.
Washington, DC


