Recent content by payn

  1. payn

    WotC Has Wizards Screwed up again

    Come back for the "we were all fooled" follow up video.
  2. payn

    The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

    So...that made sense to you before clicking post reply?
  3. payn

    Open Gaming Should Mean Open

    Its cool if they do, and it sucks if they dont. Either way, im not going to make a deal about it.
  4. payn

    The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

    I know, right? Which is why I am gonna put till dears in the beginning!
  5. payn

    The "G" in RPG

    As much as I want to agree, I find its all relative. For example, I find Aces and Eights based on Hackmaster to be infinitely too mechanical to be a good RPG for me. However, my current favorite fantasy RPG is PF1. Though, if I think about it, if it was released today it would probably be too...
  6. payn

    The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

    When folks see TL;DR do you think "too long; didnt read" out, or do you do what I do and think "till dear"?
  7. payn

    The "G" in RPG

    I could see some folks worrying that with an upfront TL;DR, then their post wont be read, but thats the point of a TL;DR anyway.
  8. payn

    The "G" in RPG

    I'm to blame. I put a TL;DR in the front instead of the back and didnt label it.
  9. payn

    The "G" in RPG

    RP is such a nebulous term and I think most folks would fail at putting the boundaries on it that they have an easier time of doing with game elements. I do think you need some base rules to have a game, and there is no limit that stops one from being an RPG. I, personally, have my limits of too...
  10. payn

    The "G" in RPG

    ...or you could see the topic being the bold question which is the TL;DR and the following paragraph my answer to it. Whats yours?
  11. payn

    The "G" in RPG

    How much game is too much game in an RPG? I think that answer is going to differ depending on the person. Personally, I have a pretty liberal definition of what role playing is. I do think many video and board games absolutely apply. In fact you have to get down to the Tetris level of game...
  12. payn

    Trailer The Boys – Season 4 Official Trailer

    It's...ok. Funny at first, but sort of wheel spinning with a reset each season. Falling into bad TV habits (I blame Amazon for this its a problem with all their programming).
  13. payn

    Is it time for a new ENWorld demographics survey?

    Depends. I have one for my RPG buddies. Its only 6 of us. It works great for organizing games, asking each other questions, etc.. I also belong to a local gaming discord that has 100+ members. I'd say about 12 post regularly and it stays pretty manageable. Folks tend to respect the channel...
  14. payn

    What's the term for these type of RPGs?

    Im not sure how to separate these. They dont sound much different than D&D to me. Mark me as another for the "indie" game tag.
  15. payn

    What adventure module have you pillaged the most without using the main plot?

    That is a solid idea. Paizo just didnt execute well on this AP. I do recall one of the writers blew all their deadlines and it was a total crap show to get the AP back on track but thats all I heard. I love the competing adventure party idea and think Serpent Skull could totally be salvaged.