• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Peter Saumur

  1. P

    D&D 5E D&D Promises to Make the Game More Queer

    Y'all pretending the Starter Set didn't have a elderly, gay couple in Nighstone ?
  2. P

    D&D 5E Crawford's 9 D&D "Hacks"

    Surprised under "Get better tech", there was no mention of D&D Beyond.
  3. P

    WotC Names 10 "Adepts" On Their DMs Guild Store

    This is my current big question for the Adept program - how will this differ from AL content? Will it be just AL content but NOT for structured/tournament play and just labeled "Adept"?
  4. P

    WotC Names 10 "Adepts" On Their DMs Guild Store

    This. I know Paizo regularly cultivates new talent via their RPG Superstar series. Was hoping Adept was that but it ends up being people who are already doing well...?
  5. P

    Fantasy Grounds Drops Prices For Electronic D&D Books

    Doesn't look like PCGen imports .xml files - only .pcg ?
  6. P

    Fantasy Grounds Drops Prices For Electronic D&D Books

    Ah poop. The second method doesn't work at all (no HTML generated). First one had problems keeping text on the lines. Don't own HeroLabs or PCGen. Looks like re-entry of characters for me (Char Forge being my current favorite).
  7. P

    Fantasy Grounds Drops Prices For Electronic D&D Books

    Do tell. I know only of one way and that was using the online tool to convert XML to PDF.
  8. P

    Fantasy Grounds Drops Prices For Electronic D&D Books

    I think there will be several tiers of users for Beyond. You will have: The Digital DM - has the books but also wants the digital versions for quick, searchable reference. The Digital PC - wants a digital character sheet to track stats on their phone. The Digital PC Builders - wants to...
  9. P

    Fantasy Grounds Drops Prices For Electronic D&D Books

    Also both limit "free usage" - Albeit, Beyond limits you to 6 characters/account using only the basic SRD. FG, you can make as many as you want - just can't print them out in a pretty format, even with that XML to PDF that someone cobbled together.
  10. P

    Fantasy Grounds Drops Prices For Electronic D&D Books

    Beyond just released their pricing:
  11. P

    Fantasy Grounds Drops Prices For Electronic D&D Books

    Different environments. I can run Beyond in a browser on a tablet/phone/desktop but only with an active web connection(? unless there is an offline version) I can't run FG without a PC/Laptop but can run it offline; their plans for Unity may change this but that's years out. As far as broad...
  12. P

    Fantasy Grounds Drops Prices For Electronic D&D Books

    As of yet. We won't know how far they can get with automation, in terms of running a campaign, since they haven't released any digital ones yet. I imagine you will be able to roll dice at some point. They might not go the "digital battlemap" route but it will be 85% of the way there with...