• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by PeterDonis

  1. P

    Giving fighters something to do.

    Not much of a life for a self-respecting adventurer. :)
  2. P

    Giving fighters something to do.

    Umm...isn't this contradictory? First you say that each class should be suited to taking out opponents of the same class; then you say mages should be good against groups of weaker foes? So who takes out the enemy mages? Who takes out the BBEG if he's a high-level wizard? He's not a "huge...
  3. P

    Request for help on a trigonometry question

    When a point on a rotating circle (such as the rim of a circular wheel) moves through an angle of one radian, it has moved through a distance equal to the radius of the circle. (That's the definition of the radian as a unit of angular measure.) That fact should be enough for you to find the answer.
  4. P

    Ransacking and rummaging rogue - is he evil?

    "The Founding Fathers were angry at England because they were forced to 'pay taxes for which their consent had not been asked.' Today we pay taxes but our consent has been asked, and we have told the governments to go ahead and tax us all they want to. We like it." Will Cuppy, The Decline and...
  5. P

    20th level before his 20th birthday

    Maybe in some worlds they don't. It depends on how sharply the frequency of encountering a given CR challenge declines with CR. In a "high-power" world it might decline slowly enough that a human can reach 20th level in a reasonable time; in a "low-power" world it might decline quickly enough...
  6. P

    20th level before his 20th birthday

    This logic assumes that, unless you die (either from old age or while adventuring), your rate of gaining levels remains constant no matter how high in level you get. But realistically, as you get higher in level, it should get harder and harder for you to find challenges equal to your level. CR...
  7. P

    Mmmm...Libris Mortis.

    OK, now I see where you were coming from. My degree is in Nuclear Engineering, so I spent a lot more time looking at subatomic particles than at whole atoms and molecules; that's probably why I came at this from a different slant. Here's how I would interpret the references you cited: The...
  8. P

    Mmmm...Libris Mortis.

    **Off Topic** science question Off topic, but do you have a reference for this? At true absolute zero, it isn't just the motions of atoms and molecules that are "frozen" (within the limits of the uncertainty principle)--the motions of *all* particles, including nuclei, protons, and electrons...
  9. P

    Mmmm...Libris Mortis.

    Yes, the Latin I learned in school (and in the dictionary I referred to to check my memory on 3rd declension nouns) is classical Latin, but I don't think the actual grammar and inflections changed much between that and medieval or modern church Latin. The pronunciation did, but I don't think the...
  10. P

    Mmmm...Libris Mortis.

    No, a dative plural isn't correct--that would mean "to the books of the dead" or "for the books of the dead". "From the books of the dead" would be the ablative plural, "Ex Libris Mortis"--you need the preposition explicitly since there are a bunch of different ones that take the ablative case...
  11. P

    Mmmm...Libris Mortis.

    Just out of curiosity, do they explain that it isn't even correct Latin? I haven't seen the book yet.
  12. P

    OGC Heredity

    I think sections 1 (g) and 2 of the license are the operative ones. Section 1 (g) says: g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. Section 2 then uses the term "Use" as just defined...
  13. P

    Will you be purchasing PDFs from DriveThruRPG?

    I voted no for three main reasons: (1) The main machine I read game PDFs on (my desktop) is a Linux machine. No can do with DRM, at least until Adobe releases a 6.0 reader for Linux--but even then, if their current Linux reader is any judge, it sucks compared to the other Linux PDF readers--and...
  14. P

    Favorite non-human PHB race.

    Hey, what's wrong with elves? Elves are dragon snacks? I bet my elf could mop the floor with your dwarf. :cool: Seriously, yes, I did vote for elves. I don't imagine the elves in my campaign to be exactly like Tolkien elves, but they're fairly close. Dwarves would be my second choice...
  15. P

    Any guerilla fighters left in the Browser Wars?

    Konqueror most of the time (like now), Mozilla (running on Linux) for certain web sites (like SearsCard.com, where I go to look at my credit card bill) which don't realize that Konqueror has encryption that's as good as anyone else's and insist on a "secure" browser...