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Recent content by rainsinger

  1. R

    Pathfinder 1E So many questions... [Mid to High Level PF Stuff]

    First, my apologies... it's been so long since I've played in a semi-standard no-house-rules pathfinder campaign, and I GM so often that my brain is stuck in character ADHD mode and I'm going nuts with bad feat entries and such... so I might make your brain assplode. Apologies ahead of time...
  2. R

    Question: Shaman Multi-Classed Druid...

    Side note: Half-elf (because being able to use pounce at-will in beast form while commanding your spirit protector is just cool). Anyway... here's where I can't quite figure out if this works: :: Is your spirit companion considered a primal summoned creature? Here's why this is important...
  3. R

    Weapon Proficiency Question

    That's also why the dwarven weapon training (or whatever it's called) is flat out an amazing feat as well. Getting proficiency in roughly 6 superior weapons for one feat AND getting bonuses... no brainer for any dwarf that uses weapons at all. :P
  4. R

    2HW vs. Versatile for Feats?

    Not to mention the thought of a gnome barbarian wielding a bastard sword and screaming at the top of his lungs as he charges into battle sword blazing through the crotches of minion orcs... is... just... awesome. :P
  5. R

    So.... why, exactly, is Lay on Hands an at-will?

    Wait, but I responded with a legitimate answer above because I have nothing better to do... :P
  6. R

    2HW vs. Versatile for Feats?

    That's actually where this question pretty much came from... here's the long version: A guy joined my wed. group, and he had not played ANY 4E at all. He decided he wanted to be a fighter with a big sword, but wanted to be able to use a shield if needed, etc... so I explained that he could...
  7. R

    2HW vs. Versatile for Feats?

    Aye, so a versatile weapon would only work if it read "...while wielding a heavy blade in two hands." Or something like that... pretty much what I figured.
  8. R

    So.... why, exactly, is Lay on Hands an at-will?

    I always assumed it was just a screw up on wizards part. None of the other heals are at-wills and it doesn't actually function like one to begin with... so... /shrug. Though the evil DM card being played definitely could be fun too. heh.
  9. R

    2HW vs. Versatile for Feats?

    There are a number of feats that read this way, but for sake of this post I'll just use this one: Steel Vanguard Veteran (blah blah blah... skip most of it) You score a critical hit on a 19 or 20 with any at-will exploit associated with this feat when using a two-handed heavy blade. (Brash...
  10. R

    HELP! Avenger issue

    Realized someone pretty much said the same thing as me... pfft.
  11. R

    Game broke down over Pinning Strike

    Well, for what it's worth, I think this issue separates the two major schools of DMs... those that take gameplay over story, and those that take story over gameplay. I know I'm the latter... but there's nothing wrong with either. I know those DM's that try to go by the rules as much as possible...
  12. R

    Game broke down over Pinning Strike

    It really distresses me that almost every day I see people on this and other forums opting to make decisions based on language in near arbitrary rules as opposed to common sense... You're the DM, if you say the dragon explodes into cotton candy and reforms on the other side of the fighter and...
  13. R

    HELP! Avenger issue

    Well, take that a step further... he's basically given up EVERY feat he has to up his AC in one way or another, so he's not using a superior weapon or getting any other damage bonuses from feats or really ANY offensive usefulness from all those feats at all... So while he is still technically a...
  14. R

    Cool Hybrid concepts? Post here!

    Well, I'm currently playing a ranger/rogue which has some really nice "setup" combinations (minor attacks to setup standards, etc) and of course having a beast companion to constantly give you flanking is pure win. I've also toyed with fighter/rogue (imagine a "duelist" type) that seemed to...
  15. R

    New hybrid rules: hybrid talent feat just once?

    In regards to striker balance (particularly warlock, ranger and rogue with their bonus damage) - I played a ranger/rogue (4th level) last weekend for a pretty long session, and I was putting out anywhere from 20-50 damage a turn (with just at-wills, yeesh - riposte strike and then twin strike is...