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Recent content by Raolin Darksbane

  1. R

    Rokugan Game Starting Up

    I'm planning on starting up a 3rd edition Rokugan game in about a week or so on www.playbyweb.com. Anyone interested? The game will begin whenever I feel I have enough players and have a 3 week trial period in which to measure my players and weed out the uncommitted. The game will revolve...
  2. R

    Average AC for 10th lvl *RTTTOEE SPOILER AHEAD*

    No AC is unhitable. Just have to be a creative is all.
  3. R

    Need help with a Summoner Smackdown

    Low level smack. Cleric 5/Alienist1 (T&B) Take Summoning (DotF) and Knowledge Domains. Feats: Augment Summoning Cast Summon Monster III to summon a pseudonatural dire weasel. Immediately use the pseudonatural ablitity to give it a +27 to hit. Victim will loose an average of 4 Con a round until...
  4. R

    Another Wall of Force question

    Actually, a wall of force should require a reflex save. If you are trying to cage an opponent, all he has to do to twart your spell is stick his arm to an edge when it is formed. "The wall of force must be continuous and unbroken when formed. If its surface is broken by any object or creature...
  5. R

    Favorite Summoned Monster (5th level)?

    It's all about the 1d4+1 pseudonatural dire weasels w/ the alientist prestiege class in Tomb and Blood. Average 3 weasels. All usually hit with their true strike ability. Average damage doesn't matter. Average Con loss is 6 per round. :) Fear my weasels of death! :p
  6. R

    Players wanted in Southern California!

    Where in SD? I live in South Bay but work in San Diego near the 52 and 163 intersection. I'm always looking for a good game. Brian
  7. R

    Tarrasque = ECL 80?!?!?!

    tarrasque = ecl 17 or 18 It's completely legal (not to mention a lot of fun) for a PC to shapechange into a tarrasque. You recieve all of the immortal goodness for about 2 hours. The only ability you can't dulicate is fear, but then who isn't afaid of that monster?