• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by rawgt3

  1. R


    Hmm. I had'nt seen that ranger before.I was just going to use the alt. I found somewhere in homebrews. I can't find it now but it had terrain mastery instead of favored enemies among other changes. Also even though I can't abuse stone power with this build I can abuse the steely stance by...
  2. R


    I really don't need the bonus feats or extra disciplines though. So no need to go that far. Perhaps we could ditch mettle and diehard for more manuvers and/or class skills.(maybe tumble and sense motive) Thanks, Rawion
  3. R


    This is probably to much, like you said, but I'll throw it out there. I like the Furious counterstrike, Indomitable soul, Steely Resolve and Smite. Maybe I could go with Crusader but drop armor and shields in exchange for hand picked disciplines and maybe more maneuvers or bonus feat(s). :/...
  4. R


    I was thinking of making a warblade char. but I wanted access to Devoted Spirit and I also like the Crusader abilities better. Heres the concept I'm going for: He fights with an aggressive darting style but when he finds himself in a pinch he uses a combination of stubborn willpower, selfless...
  5. R

    New skill synergies?

    Also,I would imagine you would'nt get very many customers seeing as word that a new artisan/worker/performer was in town would probably take about a week or more to get around(unless your really really good). Especially if you went freelance. If you were hired you would still have to start with...
  6. R

    New skill synergies?

    How do do keep a steady job while adventuring? or are you just talking about downtime?
  7. R

    New skill synergies?

    5 profession(herbalist) = +2 heal, 5 perform(dance)= +2 balance and/or tumble, 5 perform(oratory)= +2 diplomacy,5 profession(sailor)= +2 use rope. Are these logical? Am I the first one to discover these or are they in a book I have'nt read? just wondering, Raw
  8. R

    Multiclass characters: Class overload?

    Right now I'm playing a swift hunter. I would like to play a ranger/swordsage/bard/forest reeve/wildrunner but I am worried that the multiclass penalty would be to high,causing me to be very underpowered. :/
  9. R

    elves:flawed logic

    Well, of course the attitude and behavior vary based on the individual. I was merely speaking of elves in general. Also, how many people have ever actually TRIED to train a cat? Who knows, they could be very good at hunting and guarding. Especially if they are being trained by elves. :)...
  10. R

    elves:flawed logic

    Am I the only one who thinks it strange that there are elvish hounds as opposed to elvish cats. I mean think about it. What are dogs known for (ideally)? Loyalty=Lawful,right? Now what are cats known for? Free-spiritedness=chaotic, right? Now what are elves known for? free-spiritedness,right? So...
  11. R

    The sound of Deforestation?

    But could satire not also backfire and make them think the whole issue is some kind of joke? And in responce to trancejeremy: There are about 20 acres of forest no more than 40 ft from my backdoor. Sure I hate the bugs and snakes ,but I'd rather deal with them than traffic jams, polluted air...
  12. R

    The sound of Deforestation?

    Well actually there are only 2 students doing somthing similar (endangered species). and one of them is using In the arms of an angel but she is not sympathetic too the subject (she got the idea straight from an example in the textbook) so I'm not expecting her to "steal my thunder". Everyone...
  13. R

    The sound of Deforestation?

    These are all great songs,but I was thinking of something a little more somber. With a "You see all this beautiful stuff, well in forty years it will all be destroyed unless you do something" kinda feel. Maybe Enya? Raw
  14. R

    The sound of Deforestation?

    In one of my classes I have to make a power point presentation on the rate of deforestation. The problem is that I need to put it to music. It can be no longer than 3 min. I was thinking of either doing Africa by Toto or House of Stone and Light by Paige Martin but I'm not sure if those would...
  15. R

    Why Fighter/Mage?

    Gandalf the awesome!! :cool: :cool: :D Is there a feat for dual-wielding staff/sword?