Recent content by RC Hagy

  1. R

    The Orville Season Two - Thoughts?

    A maudlin progressive?
  2. R

    The Orville Season Two - Thoughts?

    Had to read a second time. Oh, boy so appropriate. I work for a winery in Central Pennsylvania. We went to 2 letter codes on the wine cases. I have to constantly remind everyone that no one wants to see a case of wine labled with: ED, BM, MS or VD. My job is neverending. R
  3. R

    The Orville - Season 1

    and yup by at least 5.
  4. R

    The Orville - Season 1

  5. R

    The Orville - Season 1

    It is Fox. You like it, it gets cancelled.
  6. R

    New Doctor to be announced on Sunday

    Heh, two for ginger!
  7. R

    New Doctor to be announced on Sunday

    Still not a ginger though.
  8. R

    OOTS 1035

    'Here? Out in the open?' 'Trust me.' 'Always.' I got teary eyed...
  9. R

    Talk to me about software for Macs

    First thing... Clicking the 'x' button on a window, only closes the window. The Application is still up and using memory. Go to the file menu of most apps and you should find the various key commands so you do not have to mouse or trackball so much. In general, 'command tab' (cycles through...
  10. R

    DOCTOR WHO: "Deep Breath" (SPOILERS)

    ''Morrus - if somebody sacrificed themself and gets collected by Missy, we'll have our answer!'' Blast you Morrus! Two sentences for what took me a half hour to drag out of my brain and make somewhat coherent! RCH Edit: Though I do believe a little more than sacrifice is required. If there...
  11. R

    DOCTOR WHO: "Deep Breath" (SPOILERS)

    Very Hartnell. Very... matter of fact. Almost to the point of being dismissive. Capaldi's so far does not seem to feel the need to show off. Quite perfunctory in his speech. For all intents and purposes the TARDIS is​ a time-capsule. Why go further into it? Something I noticed/read into... First...
  12. R

    D&D 5E I have something... THE TARRASQUE!

    The beastie is it's lair! RC Hagy
  13. R

    Hi-Capacity Discs... Hagy
  14. R

    Wulf Ratbane's DARK HERESY

    Ooooo... Even the saved pages make me happy! Ratbane is back!
  15. R

    Modern/Delta Green - The Beginning of the End (COMPLETED)

    Uh, yeah! Why did you even have to ask?! RCH