Recent content by Reflected_Shadows

  1. Reflected_Shadows

    D&D 5E Why don't Druids get charm animals and plants as a class ability?

    Adding to this, many of what you used to call freebies that you just get, are now "choices" you have to make. You have to choose to have/prepare the spell and not a different one. You have to choose to use that spell instead of a different spell. Much better than just having class features that...
  2. Reflected_Shadows

    D&D 5E Was I in the wrong?

    1. In other words, you want to encourage a playstyle that involves constant debate and bickering about every detail. Me: "I attack the orc." You: "When you go to kick him, he chops off your foot!" Me: "I am carrying a sword, and..." You: "Gotcha! You didn't specify how you attacked! You're...
  3. Reflected_Shadows

    Player Telling Other Player How To Play Their Character

    This right here should be in the PHB and DMG both. Within the first 5 pages.
  4. Reflected_Shadows

    Self Publishing – How much are your products worth?

    By the time Twilight was released, buffy had already become "last week" to every degree possible. It had long lost the luster of "new" and the only things in the mainstream that touched Vampires were stuff like Dusk til Dawn and that kind of thing. Buffy herself only appealed to tweenie-boppers...
  5. Reflected_Shadows

    D&D 5E Is there too much gold/reward?

    I don't use books to tell me how wealthy my characters are. I think about who they are fighting, how much money the enemy has - how much of that money is sitting around in a chest, versus how much of it is on someone's person or how much is actually paid out to mercenaries, maintenance, etc...
  6. Reflected_Shadows

    The End of Starting Gold

    I split my starting package into two sources: Homeland. Occupation. That gives you your starting gear, and frankly since you are Level 1, that is what almost any level 1 in your homeland and occupation would also have. Homeland usually gives rope/torch/waterskin, one weapon, one armor, and a...
  7. Reflected_Shadows

    Gamers have less time away from the table?

    Do you write house rules? World build? Design your own game? These are what I do. I find myself with less time and I would rather "play with" the game than "play the game". I need my mental energy for other tasks. These days, I would rather publish a few online worlds of content to start the...
  8. Reflected_Shadows

    Self Publishing – How much are your products worth?

    It came from a few interviews about the subject of contending with "being the default cheap copy" just because someone else came first. One of them was with a pro wrestler, Demolition Ax (Bill Eadie) who said "Yeah, the first Indian and all others are a cheap copy, the Road Warriors came out...
  9. Reflected_Shadows

    Player Telling Other Player How To Play Their Character

    Flower - That is a crap move. You are attempting to find outsiders to dogpile someone for you. Shame on you.
  10. Reflected_Shadows

    Player Telling Other Player How To Play Their Character

    1. It surely isn't very nice to tell others how to play, I agree with "Would you like some assistance" and leaving it at that. Then again, I have known boneheaded players who just play terribly and I hate it when the whole party has to suffer because of that one person. I hate it when everyone...
  11. Reflected_Shadows

    D&D 5E Was I in the wrong?

    The reason you are wrong is because if the DM had re-framed for clarity during the point of sale, there would have been no confusion. "Ah! You made a mistake!" Really? I am out of the game right now then. Better hope it wasn't me you depended on for snacks and drinks. "We are here to play a...
  12. Reflected_Shadows

    Can Wizards Avoid Another OGL Glut?

    You either have an entry gate too high that good workers with no money are unable to work, or you have a gate so low that everyone with a dollar can put out 100 books.
  13. Reflected_Shadows

    Merger of Systems?

    Thank you all for your great advice. I went to the library and picked up a 5e DMG and am gleaning through the basic rules and SRD while waiting on the PHB. My last world, I homebrewed a 3.5-esque ruleset. For this one, I want to look at a hybrid option of 3.5-esque and 5e. I am not interested...
  14. Reflected_Shadows

    The importance of being a 20

    This is why race matters so much. I was hoping D&D could peel itself away from preset racial ability score modifiers. Many times, I have opted to play X instead of Y because even though I really wanted to play Y, when I did my ability scores, I was pigeonholed into X. To counter this in my...
  15. Reflected_Shadows

    Self Publishing: What's An Artist Worth?

    Sound advice, great post. Be careful about NASA photographs. Some of the more popular magazine shots, for example, were edited and that particular edit belongs to someone. So, be sure to check that the image of NASA you want to use actually is public domain. About 80% of the time, you are safe...