• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Resayttan13

  1. Resayttan13

    What inspires you?

    yeah, unfortunately my father is not like that, but I am also trying to develop and grow above myself. Not all of us are perfect, but without work and perseverance, you won’t become perfect
  2. Resayttan13

    What inspires you?

    Agree. I always respect people who try to make a gift with their own hands. The best gifts are always those that are given from the heart))
  3. Resayttan13

    What inspires you?

    I am motivated by the prospect of making a difference in the world. I want to be able to look back on my life and know that I have helped to make things better for other people. This doesn't necessarily mean that I want to be famous or achieve great wealth. Instead, I am inspired by the idea of...
  4. Resayttan13

    What's yer favorite genre?

    My favorite genres are: 1. Fantasy. 2. Sci-fi. 3. Superheroes. 4. Horror.
  5. Resayttan13

    Have you ever had a real experience you consider to be supernatural?

    When I was younger, I used to live in really old house. I never really believed in ghosts, but there were definitely some weird things that happened in that house. One time, I was home alone and I heard a noise coming from upstairs. I went to investigate and there was nobody there. Another time...
  6. Resayttan13

    What are you reading in 2022?

    I finished The Justice of Kings by Richard Swan. A good start to this trilogy:) I'm not a big fan of crime fiction (which slowed me down a bit in the first half), but I was intrigued by the characters and the story. The plot was well-paced and unpredictable. Another thing is Marvel and his...