Recent content by Rhenny

  1. Rhenny

    Starfinder Combat Maneuver Blues

    Hi all, I'm about to begin DMing Starfinder after 41 years of D&D, Traveller and other games. One thing I'm kind-of bummed out about is that PCs and NPCs have little to no incentive to use combat maneuvers since they are DC KAC+8 to succeed. Even with Advanced Combat Maneuver, it is still DC...
  2. Rhenny

    D&D 5E Less killing

    I haven’t read all the responses, but I do agree with many I have read that if the party and DM (together) decide to change objectives that don’t call for killing, PC behavior may change. Mission objectives like, gather intelligence, find and rescue, steal necessary object, explore unknown...
  3. Rhenny

    D&D 5E For Players: What makes an encounter "scary"?

    I get scared when my pc is placed in an unusual or deadly environment. Like when a giant crocodile bites, grapples, takes the pc into the water and begins go deeper. If I can’t hold my breath, yikes. It also scares the other pcs. I’m also afraid of traps and hazards that combine within...
  4. Rhenny

    D&D General What is your favorite Class?

    My all time favorite is wizard. I love utility and playing an intelligent character. I actually like the game within a game, conserving spell power for when it is needed most, and picking which spells to prepare for each day’s events. I also love finding and collecting new spells for my spell...
  5. Rhenny

    D&D General Songs that would make good adventures

    Here’s a Genesis song ( I’m a huge Peter Gabriel/Genesis fan as you can probably tell by now) that I have always wanted to run as a part of a campaign. - “The Fountain of Salmacis” From a dense forest of tall dark pinewood Mount Ida rises like an island. Within a hidden cave, nymphs had kept...
  6. Rhenny

    D&D General Songs that would make good adventures

    In our campaign it was less than our manhood. Lol.
  7. Rhenny

    D&D General Songs that would make good adventures

    How about a full album? When I was a teen (early 80’s) our DM made an entire campaign using the full The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway album by Genesis. It was epic - Creepy underworld, strange encounters, a race against time, chases, a stolen item (by “a super sized blackbird that sure can fly”)...
  8. Rhenny

    D&D General What are the Common Tropes of Dnd?

    Evil villain and minions. Sometimes having to find that evil villain through the course of a campaign. Betrayal by an NPC that was thought to be an ally. The phrase, “roll for initiative!”
  9. Rhenny

    D&D 5E Anything extra recommended to run Tomb of Annihilation?

    I let them explore the Port area first and have some fun with dino races. Then I had them go get a charter from the Faction at Fort Belarian. They decided to explore from there so I modified the adventure so that they had to go to the other forts to find word about the commander (I forgot his...
  10. Rhenny

    D&D General What's the Most Valuable DM Prep Between Campaigns?

    First, I refresh my memory about past and what may come up next. Sometimes, I outline a few alternative paths or contingencies. Almost always, I like to make a quick cheat sheet for some notes on NPCs that the PCs may meet. (Personality, Motive, Distinguishing Features).
  11. Rhenny

    D&D 5E What level did your MOST RECENT campaign get to?

    Currently, we are finishing Tomb of Annihilation and players are at 10th level now. Depending on how things work out, they may get to 11th. After this, I’m going to begin a new campaign from level 1, probably based on Hoard of the Dragon Queen.
  12. Rhenny

    D&D 5E What does 5E do well?

    5E is easier to DM. Eliminating little modifiers and making the core lean, using rulings not rules simplifies the DMs job. I find it much easier to let the narrative and story, and roleplaying take front stage in my campaigns and it seems much easier for me to prep. I can use the dice when it...
  13. Rhenny

    D&D 5E When Failure Isn't an Option in 5e

    Great points about failure. When players understand failure adds drama, tension and sometimes leads to other paths that are very interesting, roleplaying becomes so much richer. This is a great discussion for a “session 0.” I like when failure also leads to a new choice. In one of my last...
  14. Rhenny

    D&D General What Obscure/Lesser-Known Book Series Got You Into D&D?

    It is so cool to read through this thread to see all the great fantasy books people have read, many I also remember reading as well. For me, it was D&D and fantasy novels simultaneously. I used the list of influences Gary Gygax made way back and read so many. My favorites back in the day were...
  15. Rhenny

    D&D General What do you think of mega-dungeons for online D&D play?

    Dungeon delves are terrific for online play with VTT for a few reasons: 1) Visually, using map and tokens really feels right in those settings. 2) It is easy to break up sessions into smaller moments of exploration so you can have 3 hour sessions or 1 hour sessions as you wish. Sometimes with...