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Recent content by RonYon

  1. R

    Full Flurry of Blows with both hands on one Temple Sword?

    Well Im only dipping one level of monk, plus we are not using anything but the core book, something about testing the system out before we add stuff...boo... Played our first session.I threw a lot, missed a lot , but did take out the wizard and then some. It was outdoors so the range increment...
  2. R

    Full Flurry of Blows with both hands on one Temple Sword?

    We are using anything Pathfinder, I think. I am hoping we would use Occupations, In which case I will chose Hunter, and get Point-Blank Shot. If we dont use Occupations,I will probably chose point Blank Shot at first level, and Rapid Shot at 3rd, though I have heard Rapid Shot is mathematically...
  3. R

    Full Flurry of Blows with both hands on one Temple Sword?

    I thought the reason that a brass knuckle could be used in flurry is that unarmed attacks could be used in a flurry.I fso , well, a Gauntlet is listed under unarmed attacks in the SRD. If that isnt the right rational, I am confused, so please clue me in... Your emphatic post made me look at...
  4. R

    Full Flurry of Blows with both hands on one Temple Sword?

    Sorry about the repeated content of my posts-I wasn't seeing them in the viewing mode I was using. I had figured on a Trip N' Slash attack routine, but that means being subject to an AoO, and seems to have a low chance of success. Still it seems worth while to eat that -2 to hit for an...
  5. R

    Full Flurry of Blows with both hands on one Temple Sword?

    Thanks for the replies. Concernimg the Strength multiplication, the SRd does say: Thats cool, and it is something I didnt catch, so thank you to those who pointed that out. I still want to upsize the Teple Sword from Medium to Large,and that would make it go from a one handed to a two handed...
  6. R

    Full Flurry of Blows with both hands on one Temple Sword?

    Well the SRD does say This doesnt bother me-I am ok with just adding the potential for another 4 points to my weapon damage, by upsizing it from 1 handed to two handed. What matters most to me is how many attacks I could get with this, since unlike a quarterstaff, a temple sword isnt a double...
  7. R

    Full Flurry of Blows with both hands on one Temple Sword?

    No response when I posted this here:Pathfinder SRD Messageboards :: View topic - Full Flurry of Blows with both hands on one Temple Sword? So I thought I might try here. I tried searching, but apparently I dont have the privileges.So anyway... A Monk "may make one additional attack using any...
  8. R

    PCs selling crafted items.

    True. This is why I love Inscribe Rune from Ferune. Not only are Runes quick to make(10 minutes, no matter what the level of the spell or caster), they are also useful for the group.How about a Rune of Truestrike on the fletching of your arrows? In one campaign, I regularly burned 1/3-1/2 of my...
  9. R

    D&D 4E 4e Magic system, speculations?

    Rumor has it there are no undead creation spells, and no summoning spells of any kind. There goes all my fun...
  10. R

    Why won't you switch?

    The other posters cover the reasons why I dont want to go 4th edition. As to why Im still here:I dis-avowed every part of the Star Wars Saga except Empire and Star Wars after seeing Episode One, but Ive seen all of them,in the theater no less. Its hard to turn away from some thing you love, even...
  11. R

    Intelligent Mount/Unintelligent Rider?

    There is the Rules of the Game:Riding article on the Wotc site. It covers non-riders that are not in control of the mount, and it covers inteligent Mounts. I use these rules to adjudicate my tiny humanoid shaped(monkey) skeletons , riding on me , handing me loaded crossbows, carrying Riders...
  12. R

    Caster Cleric

    Love this character type, but im usually on the other(eveil ) team. Try using Spontaneous Domain Casting from the PHBII. It ditches spontaneous healing spells for the ability to cast fspontaneously from one domain of your choice. Stack this with Domain Spontinaity if ya want. Also try Divine...
  13. R

    Miracle working like wish?

    Hmm. I think that the inability to do this is one of the balancing factors of Miracle. Of coures one could probable just use Miracle to Call some creature that has Wish as an ability. But that has more hoop jumping, and potential for failure. Let the party figure out way to do it in game. Maybe...
  14. R

    Necromancy questions

    Cleric all the way. Its has always(3.0+) been the best overall at Necro stuff,now it is even better than ever. The Complete Mage book has a Alternative Class feature callled Divine Magician. It lets you trade one domain for the right to add one spell to your spell list at each level that you...
  15. R

    Disarm, why so easy?

    Hey! How did the Monk find and reach the invisible, flying Wizard? Just kidding, but this seems like a tactics failure on the bad guys part, one that was exploited with team work by the good guys. Just wait until your wizard trys the same trick with a whip and TrueStrike!