• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Ruland

  1. R

    Xenomorphs Kickstarter has launched!

    You are right, of course. I was mislead by the similarity in cover design.
  2. R

    Xenomorphs Kickstarter has launched!

    My print edition of N.E.W. arrived today - and it is already version 1.1 with the cover shown for this Kickstarter. I immediately backed Xenomorphs for the Softcover only version. Very happy!
  3. R

    Arcana Unearthed versus Arcana Evolved?

    Perhaps it should be mentioned in this thread that AE is still available as a PDF on a rather well-known RPG-PDF-Outlet ... The price seems reasonable, but printing the book on your ink-color-printer is going to drain your cartridges as if they were blood bags in the hands of a starved vampire...
  4. R

    Classless D20/OGL systems?

    The upcoming True20 Companion seems to present a rules variant for doing away with the three "roles" (Warrior, Expert, Adept) and making every character's career unique. At least, this is what some posts on the True20 boards imply. But even the three roles differ enough from classes that it is...
  5. R

    True20 racial ability modifiers

    And that means, if a race has a -1 mod, the relevant ability cannot be raised to more than +4 while (instead of +5) generating a character. So there is an effect of ability mods.
  6. R

    Another great d20 Past setting: Temeraire

    In addition to the other thread about the Arrowsmith setting I would like to present another literary setting for a great d20 Past game: the Temeraire series by Naomi Novik. Just read the first installment, His Majesty's Dragon. The series takes part in an alternative history at the time of...
  7. R

    Star*Drive Aliens

    Thaal? Sathar? Where are these guys from? Sorry, with my copies of d20 Future and the Star*Drive setting I still feel like a complete newcomer to the seemingly rather rich history of sci fi from TSR/WotC sources ... Externals are peoples like the Klicks, am I right?
  8. R

    Star*Drive Aliens

    I looked it up on the Star Frontiers website, and besiders the Vrusk and Yazirians the Dralasites as well are from that universe. Wouldn't mind integrating the Vrusk into the Star*Drive setting, though - they are quite cool and could perhaps be encountered at the verge of the Verge ... :D
  9. R

    Star*Drive Aliens

    I managed to buy a used copy of the out of print Star*Drive setting for the Alternity game. Now the origin of lots of technical terms and creatures in d20 Future is clear to me, but it seems that the Vrusk and Yazirian are not taken from the Star*Drive setting - at least not the core setting...
  10. R

    d20 Future and Hard SF - some random thoughts

    Some interesting thoughts here, but whether nanotechnology or FTL travel are probable or completely unrealistic is not my primary concern. My assumption is that hard sf plots try to implement scientific or pseudo-scientific speculation instead of simply translating fantasy themes into a space...
  11. R

    d20 Future and Hard SF - some random thoughts

    Currently working on the setting for a hard-sf-campaign, I made the decision to use the d20 Future rules set for this campaign, because they seem by far the best solution especially for the intended mood of the campaign. First, my personal view on what constitutes "hard sf": I think the term is...
  12. R

    True 20: using hit points?

    For me one advantage of the damage save system is that you do not need to use such a split - with damage saves, you can handle "normal" encounters and ambush or hostage situations on the same set of assumptions, rules-wise. With your splitting of assumptions, players may react surprised or...
  13. R

    True 20: using hit points?

    Akrasia, you really should give the damage save system a fair try. It really promotes intelligent game play in combat. And I don't think that there are playability issues with it. Make sure that the players understand and use certain defence and toughness boosting feats, and more important, that...
  14. R

    True20 Fantasy -- 'Blue Rose' book useful?

    I recommend the Blue Rose Campaign Setting book very much for any True20 fantasy game, because the BR take on acquiring powers/arcana is very interesting and usable for a low magic setting as well.
  15. R

    Ptolus - D&D, AE, or hybrid?

    Awesome! Now I am even more eager to get my hands on the preordered copy of Ptolus! Still a week ahead, sigh!