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Recent content by Sashi

  1. S

    Reviewing the Artificer

    I agree that it's forced. But I think it's a design decision: all leader classes will have exactly the same "healing word" ability as their base healing ability. Just the way all defender classes will be able to mark their target.
  2. S

    Selling items : illogical rule ?

    Very simple rule: You may allow characters to sell items for more than 20% their value, and even purchase items above their level (which is not normally allowed), if you do, subtract the money/items gained through this manner from that level's treasure parcels. As long as you follow this, you...
  3. S

    Insubstantial rules irk anyone else?

    You can still do this in 4E, it's just that now the DM has to specifically create a challenge that nullifies you, rather than randomly choosing a monster out of the DMG and halfway through realizing "Um ... there's no way your specific party can beat this guy."
  4. S

    Selling items : illogical rule ?

    And the extra GP acquired from that adventure happens to be exactly equal to one of the GP treasure parcels! Imagine that!
  5. S

    Selling items : illogical rule ?

    The system is absolutely not bonkers from a game perspective. If you implement a real economy that makes sense in any way, the players can fairly easily game it to get filthy rich, and gain a level-inappropriate amount of equipment (not good for game balance). So, basically, if you implement...
  6. S

    Selling items : illogical rule ?

    You could not do this in 3rd edition any more than you can do it in 4E. If a D&D character has a few million GP to buy a castle, the best thing he can do with it is buy a +5 sword of shocking bursting impacting zowie, because he can adventure around killing things with the sword, and the castle...
  7. S

    Selling items : illogical rule ?

    In 3E and 4E character power is directly proportional to net worth. The 3E DMG explicitly stated "this is the gp value of items an x level character should have", Order of the Stick made a joke about how the only people who are wealthy enough to be worth robbing are also high enough level to...
  8. S

    The Compendium is Live

    Why didn't they just hire the guy who made d20srd.org? Best online rules compendium I've ever seen.
  9. S

    Price of Plate Armor

    At 1500 gp for 50 pounds purchase price, full plate was worth 15 gp/lb on resale. Full plate was worth 1.5 PLATINUM/lb, and that's in resale. Purchasing it was worth 3x as much as platinum. It's the most valuable treasure you can cart around, until you start getting +1 daggers and such. Having...
  10. S

    Halfling Rogues - Are they at a Disadvantage?

    No offense, but you're wrong. Completely. How can it violate the spirit of the rules when it is the rules? The rogue in KotS uses daggers because rogues get +1 to hit with daggers. Which is easily worth the damage tradeoff in the dice (compare greatsword vs greataxe/maul)
  11. S

    GSL is up

    This really does look a lot less restrictive than it could have been. It looks like they're trying to give as free a reign as possible to adventure writers, while also preventing things like those "pocket SRD"'s and alternate player's handbooks. It even looks like you'll be able to create new...
  12. S

    Summon Familiar Ritual

    These are the two abilities that seem too powerful. Either one, by itself, would be worth getting a familiar for, both of them is just too much. How about just +1 to perception rolls for avoiding being surprised, and just remove the deliver spells entirely (seriously, expanding the range of...
  13. S

    What should I (Fighter) do?

    With your high AC and and HP, if everyone finishes the combat at 10 HP then you've absorbed enough attacks to kill any of the other party members. Your job isn't to take ALL the damage, it's to take enough attacks that they don't DIE.
  14. S

    Warforged casting spells through chest-attached orb?

    Warforged have the easiest time of any race as fighter/mages. Just one more checkmark under the warforged fighter = ownage heading.
  15. S

    D&D 4E Is infiltration/misdirection possible in 4E?

    The way to do it in 4E is to use skills, social interactions, skill challenges (not "skill challenge to break into the tower" but "skill challenge to get past the guards at the gate"), and planning. Planning in ways other than "We'll cast spell A, then use magic item B, then spells C and D, then...